Chapter Fifteen

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Once Dean had realized that Sam and Cas were getting along and that Sam approved of his choice in men (then again, Dean couldn't imagine not approving of Cas) he didn't shut up. Between just mentioning the florist in casual conversation or telling whoever he was talking to about something Cas had said, it was almost impossible for Dean to go longer than an hour or two without mentioning his boyfriend.

Sam found it amusing. Charlie and Kevin found it endearing. Bobby snapped at him and told him that Cas had better be at the game night, even if it only shut Dean up for the night. Dean could tell, despite threatening to throw a wrench at him if he mentioned Cas' eyes one more time, that Bobby was happy for him.

Things.... Things were actually falling in line. Life was good.

There had been a night a few weeks ago. He had been over at Cas' apartment. At one point they had been watching a movie. Watching the movie had turned into long, slow kisses, and it had just been the two of them. The night had been theirs. It had been perfect.

Dean didn't remember exactly what had led up to it, but he remembered Cas saying between kisses, "Good things do happen, Dean."

And they did. Good things did happen.

It was strange. Before Castiel Novak, there had been little things. Sam. Baby. Work. Those were the good things, the stuff he focused on to drown out the bad. Now, Dean didn't have to try to drown out the bad, with liquor or that hippy positivity crap. Good things just were. Cas just was.

How Dean had gotten lucky enough to find Cas, well, he didn't know. But he was happy.

The last time he had been at his boyfriend's apartment, Dean had noticed Cas had a player for cassette tapes. Cas had told him that he had bought it at a garage sale on his way to Sioux Falls from New Haven when he and Gabriel had left home. He still didn't have any tapes. Dean was determined to fix that.

Currently, he was sitting on his bed trying to make a mixtape.

Got no time for spreadin' roots

The time has come to be gone

And though our health we drank a thousand times

It's time to ramble on

Ramble on

And now's the time, the time is now

To sing my song-

The apartment door opened loudly and Sam said, "So get this! I was-"

"Dammit Sam!"

Sam poked his head into the room. "What?"

Dean gestured angrily to the boombox he was using to record the tape.

"Oh." At least Sam had the decency to look apologetic. "Sorry."

"Now I have to restart. Great."

"You know we have to be at Bobby's in an hour, right? And we have to pick Kevin and Cas up?"

"Shit." There was no way he was going to have this done for Cas by the time they had to pick him up.

"If it makes you feel better, I got bacon when I was at the store."

"That might be the smartest decision you've made at the store. Ever. I mean, seriously, vegetables?"

Sam rolled his eyes and pulled bitchface eleven. "Well, at least I'm not going to have a heart attack before I'm forty."

"Screw you."

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