Chapter Nineteen

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They added another anniversary a few weeks later.

Dean wasn't home when Cas came back from work. Dean usually got off before him, which usually meant he was home first, but now, Cas was the only one in the apartment.

It was strange; home hadn't been this quiet in weeks. Meg had often been around the apartment, prone to making sarcastic quips. Even after she had moved out a week ago, Dean had filled the space, either humming AC/DC under his breath or watching something on the tv. Now, it was quiet, except for one of the residents a floor above Cas, who was pacing valiantly.

Despite having gone years with the quiet, Cas found it almost uncomfortable.

He moved to fill the watering can. The water seemed to echo more than usual as it hit the bottom of the container.

Cas was taking care of the plants on their (their!) small, iron balcony when he heard the telltale rumble of the Impala's engine below. He looked down as the car slowed to a stop on the side of the road.

Dean climbed out of the driver's seat, then glanced up. He seemed surprised for a moment to see Cas, then raised his hand in a wave.

Cas smiled and waved back.

Dean gestured towards the apartment.

Cas squinted at him and tilted his head. What was Dean trying to say?

Dean tried gesturing again, to no luck.

Cas shrugged at him.

"I'll meet you inside," Dean called up.

Oh. Cas nodded, and still with a small smile on his face, moved back into the apartment.

He tucked the now-empty watering can into the cabinet under the sink and began waiting for Dean. It should have only been about a minute before he came up, but one lapsed into two, and two into three.

Cas was just starting to entertain the idea of looking for him when the apartment door opened.

Dean stepped inside and smiled. "Hey, Cas." He seemed... almost nervous... and was holding something behind his back with one hand.

"Hello, Dean." Cas crossed the room and gave him a chaste kiss. "Took you awhile."

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I got these for you." Dean revealed a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and thrust it at him.

Cas took it gingerly, fingers brushing Dean's. He examined the bouquet, then froze.

Pink camellia, longing.

Satin-flower, sincerity.

Heartsease, you occupy my thoughts.

Moss rosebud, confessions.

Snowdrop, hope.

Red chrysanthemum-

Cas took a shaky breath.

Red chrysanthemum,

I love you.

"Dean-" He tried to remember how to talk. "Dean, I-"

Dean was staring at him, eyes searching his, wide with hope.

"Do- do you mean it?" Cas managed.

Dean nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

Cas' face broke into a wide smile. His eyes may have been a little damp when he surged forward to capture Dean' lips with his own. "I love you, too."

BouquetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ