chapter 12

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Draco was sitting awake in Harry's room looking at smiling Lily and James Potter with a giggling baby Harry.

Draco was walking alone in the Hogwarts corridor. It was Saturday afternoon.

Since his two best friends Pansy and Blaise has became so lovey dovey he had no one to hang out with. Because Crabbe and Goyal were sometimes too dull to deal with.  So Draco was thinking about spending the day with his Harry. 

But unfortunately he could not be found anywhere, when he is needed the most. 

Draco went to the castle ground. 

"Where the fuck is the stupid scar head? I'll fuck him if he is with his stupid friends now... " He was talking in his mind. "Wait a moment... What did I say? I'll fuck- oh my fucking God.... Well that will be fun... "

At that moment Draco saw the messy haired Gryffindor sitting alone in the grass.  Not a single person was there at that moment. 

"Fuck" Draco cursed. "I've lost my chance" He thought. 

"Oi Potter! " He said and went to sit beside Harry. 

Harry didn't response. He looking down to a book. 

"What are you doing here alone? Why are you not with your friends? I've lost my chance.. " Draco said in grumpy voice. 

"Huh...? Can't you sit silently Draco! " Harry mumbled. 

Draco frowned. 

"Harry... Love what happened? " He asked. 

"Nothing... " Harry sighed keeping the book shut. 

Draco made Harry look at him. And saw tear. 

"Hey... Harry! What happen? Why are you crying?"

In response Harry hugged the boy. 

And Draco comfort the boy hugging him back. 

After five minutes Harry pulled back and handed him the book he was watching before.

It was photo album. There was photo of baby Harry with his parents. 

"Harry you were too cute when you were a baby.... I want to cuddle that one. But anyway I've the bigger version of them. Isn't it. " Draco said looking at the giggling little Harry. 

Harry smiled and went closer to the taller one. 

Keeping his head on Draco's shoulder, Harry said. "Dray I miss my parents. " He began to sniffle.

Draco closed the book and looked at his boyfriend's eyes. 

"Harry... It's okay to miss them. But don't be sad. Always remember your parents are proud of you. "

Harry asked " They are? "

Draco kissed his head. 

"Yes my Harry.... They are very proud of you. Just like Sirius and Remus are.  And me too. "

Harry smiled and went closer to Draco. 

Draco began to ran his through the brunette's messy hair. 

"Harry as much as I want to stay here. We need to return. We don't want to get caught. Do we? " Harry pouted but said "Yeah. We should return. "

Then Draco smiled at him mischievously. "Let's go to the room of requirement."

"Draco are you awake? " Remus knocked in the door.

"Yeah, Yeah.  I'm awake professor. " Draco said and opend the door.
Remus smiled at him. 

"Don't call me professor. I'm not your teacher anymore. Call me Remus and  him Sirius. "

Draco said rubbing the back of his neck " It'll take time to get used to that.  But I'll try too.. "

Remus laughed at that. " Anyway we're going to St. Mungo. Do you want to come with us?"

"Yes yes I'll go. "  Draco said eagerly, and blushed at the excited voice. Remus smiled at that and said, "Get ready then. Sirius is making breakfast. We'd go after that."

At 10 O clock Sirius Remus and Draco was at the St Mungo.  Sirius was paying the bill while the other two waited for Harry. Soon the Healer brought Harry to them. 

Remus hugged the younger one. 

"How are you now? 

"Better" Harry grinned. And then Sirius was there standing next to the black hair boy.

"Let's go home cub. But before that... " 

Draco saw Sirius leaned down and whispered something to Harry.  And he turned tomato red. Then Sirius gestured to Draco and pushed him slightly.  Harry looked at him and immediately looked away with a small smile in his lips and face becoming more red. 

"Harry... " Remus now said in a serious (Sirius?) Voice. "I cut the floo connection for Draco. So will you be able to apparet or we can take the knight bus... "

Sirius mumbled"I should've brought my bike. "

"Then get ourselves killed. Four people in that bike.... No way... "

"I can apparate. " Harry said. "But for Draco why? And he's really staying with us? "

"Well then. We'd apparate there then." Remus smiled. " And yes Draco is staying with us. He don't want to work for the dark lord like his family.  Well he'll tell every thing to us.. Now Draco let's go... Come... "

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" Draco said.  And looked at Harry who was also looking at him but immediately looked away. 

Sirius only smirked and whispered to Remus " Oh oh Remus... Thay are just like us... " Remus' lips twitched in a smile at that. 

The two man walked side by side, letting the other two be together. But both of them being awkward mess didn't know what to do.

All Draco did was just prayed in his mind
" Pansy just don't kill me... " But he didn't know there was another girl ready  to hex him to dead- the youngest of the Weasleys Ginny.

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