chapter 15

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2 years later

Draco Malfoy was going to propose to his boyfriend today. Both the boys were staying in an apartment near the Black-Lupin house.

The war has ended last year and though the both of them had nightmares and vision every night about the horrible war, they always stayed by each other.

“Draco focus” he was muttering to himself “Everything will be okay. Harry will accept you. He had done it after months of ignoring each other. But if he do not want to?”

The tall blond was walking around the drawing room of their apartment. He was sweating nervously. His palms were wet.

“Draco Malfoy…Take deep breath.” He said to himself to calm down.

“Dray?” harry asked softly from behind his boyfriend. “Are you okay? Any problem ? We can cancel the…."

Draco smiled and turned around to kiss him in the lips.

“No Harry, I’m okay…. It’s just too hot today….” Draco answered.

Harry rolled his eyes playfully “But my calendar says it’s September. Almost winter….”

“Then why I’m feeling this?” Draco said pretending to think. “Oh yes this if for you….you’re too hot .” Draco said the last part in his signature Draco Malfoy Flirty voice,

And hearing Harry blushed deep red. How can Draco made Harry feel this after three years of dating harry never knew.

“Shut up Dray!”  He said doing a attempt to hide his blush.

“Make me.”  The blonde smirked.

“Draco just go…and get ready”  Harry pushed the boy towards their room.

“No” Draco whined and turned around “I want my gift….” And he pouted.

“Draco….We are late…just go….” Harry again pushed him, smiling.
“Fine” Draco made a fake sad face and went back to the room after giving a slight peek on the shorter boy’s lip.
Harry smiled and rubbed his lips softly.

Every month after the war the Weasleys with Draco and Harry’s friend did a family get together. Remus and Sirius also joined them. Draco and Harry were going to join them in the burrow. And that day Draco decided to propose the love his life.

Draco grabbed Harry’s hand and appareted in front of the burrow. They both looked at each other eyes and smiled. Harry squeezed his boyfriend’s Hand and pulled him towards the door.

The Weasley dining room was full with the red headed boys. Remus and Sirius were also there. Draco and Harry joined them. After few drinks and talking Bill declared about Fleur's pregnancy.

Everyone was gossiping , talking happily. But Draco was nervous. Pansy and Hermione noticed that and pulled him aside.

“What happened Dray?” pansy asked.

“You look nervous….Anything bothering you?” Hermione asked.

“Umm….Well” Draco rubbed his neck. “I’m gonna propose to Harry—"

“YOU WHAT?” Pansy shouted. “REALL?”

“Shh…Pans…” Draco said. “don’t shout.”

“Well Draco it will be OKAY…” Hermione put a hand on his arm. “You will be fine.”
Draco give her a small smile.

Suddenly  he was hugged from behind. Draco sighed. “Harry!”

“I love you….” Harry mumbled.

Draco blushed and smiled. “I love you too…My princess”

“Not princess…” Harry pouted.

Blaise and Ron standing near them, making a fake disgusted face. “Find yourselves a room”

Harry rolled his eyes. “you can do it with your girlfriends”

“They are not romantic like you guys….our fault.” Pansy said glaring at the other two boys

“Let’s go…Mum is calling for lunch.” Ron informed ignoring Pansy’s comment
They walked outside at the garden. Draco put his hand in the pocket to find the box.

As they came to the garden, mlost of them were sited in the table. Fred and George were helping Moly.

Pansy and Hermione patted his shoulder and walked to Ginny and Luna. Harry looked at Draco and asked frowning “Dray….You okay right?"

“Well Harry I have to do something.” Then he looked at the others for once and then again his eyes went to Harry, who was looking at him confused.

“Harry…I know we have been dating for three year, and there was a time when I was an ass and hurt you. But Harry I promise you I will do that never. I love you too much. You always will be my princess.”  Draco sat on his knees. “So Harry James Potter will you marry me?”

Harry was tearing up, so was Moly and Sirius.

The boy sat on his knees too and hugged Draco. “Of course Draco….i will….i Will Marry you.”

Draco slided the ring in his hand and hugged him tight.

“I love you”

“I love you too.”


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