chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You idiot Harry Potter... Can't even see a bludger coming? So much stuck with the snitch? Huh! ..... " Draco was talking to a sleeping or rather unconscious Harry laying on the hospital bed.

It was 4 in the morning. I really should stop meeting up with you in oddest of time.

Harry always became to compitetive when it came to Quidditch no matter which mood he was in, and like always he forgot to be safe in search of the snitch and got hit on the head by the bludger which was particularly aimed at him. Draco made sure the beater of his team is punished though.

"Wake up soon, Harry. I know you -you hate me. But I love you. I can't see you like this." He said in a soft voice.

Draco has crept in to the hospital wing in midnight after making sure no one was there. Not even madam Pomfrey. So that no one could know he was visiting Harry Potter. 

The whole night Draco sat beside Harry, holding his hand gently. He just could not help but blame himself for this. I should have just let you win. Maybe you would have been more mad at me for that but atleast you would have been safe. He really was something very bad and dark in Harry's life.

By eavesdropping to pansy and Blaise he came to know that, Harry had a minor head injury but will woke up and get well soon. 

Clock ticked 5. He have to leave.
Draco sighed and leaned down to kiss Harry's forehead. "Get well soon, love. I love you. "

Harry woke up with bright light on his face. Where was he? Where is his glasses? He sat on his bed. He looked around to find himself in the hospital room. A very familiar place for him.

"Oh my boy, You woke up? " The school nurse came running to him and handed him a potion and his glasses.

"When will I leave? " He asked after drinking the potion and made a disgusted face.

"At least not now Mr Potter." Madam Pomfrey said.  "Take rest today. Though is was not something concerning you really got hurt very badly. I still don't understand why they let little children play such game..." She muttered the last part in a annoyed voice, which made Harry laugh. Everytime he came here after a quidditch injury she would say it.

"How are you feeling? " The old lady asked. 

"A little pain in my head. What happened to me? " He questioned the woman. 

"Well, Harry my boy your head was hit by the bludger, and you has a minor head injury. I healed but you must take rest. "

"I really can't leave today? " He pleaded

She sighed "You will but not now. Now eat something. I am sending you the lunch. You haven't eaten anything, since yesterday "

Lunch? He was unconscious for almost 12 hours....!

"Where is Ron and Hermione?"

"They have visited you as soon as the sun came out Potter. They even were ready to skip class. But i send them back to class." She informed and handed him the lunch which was brought by a elf.

The thought of last quidditch match soon crowded in his head. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. The most exciting match.
Well not for Harry. Because he was playing a game of ignoring with Draco bloody Malfoy. And it will be hard for him to continue their personal game if they played quidditch.

But still both the boys did their very best to not to look at the other. But it is hard when the blonde looks so perfect while flying.

Harry roamed his eyes through out the pitch for the tiny golden ball.

There's the snitch near the goal post. He speed his broom. So did Draco. The two seekers flying side by side. Eyes on the snitch.

He will catch it. He will. He have to.
But suddenly Draco was flying faster, Harry cursed and was about to increase is speed, he saw Draco catch the snitch and then a bludger hit is head.

Though he was unconscious, last night he had a dream about Draco. The blond was sitting on the chair next to him. Talking. Holding hands.

His thought drifted to Draco. The blonde git. 

He felt pain in his chest. He needed to talk to him. In private.
And he will do it. He was a gryffindor and he just needed a straight answer. This is why he would talk to Draco.

By the time he had completed his lunch Ron and Hermione came to visit him. 

"Harry! " Hermione came running to his bed. Ron following her.

"How are you? "

"Fine I guess. " 

"You can leave mate. Madam Pomfrey said. Let's go. " Ron said smiling. 

After saying their goodbye and thanks to the nurse the golden trio walked to the great Hall. Though Harry already had his lunch He gladly accompanied them there.

On there war they were laughing Tigger though they had Voldemort to think about and Dumbledore informed about destroying the Hocrux and much much more but for now to them nothing mattered.

But coming to the great hall Harry's mood changed.  Though he was talking his eyes scanned the great Hall. 

There he is. The perfect blond Slytherin again with Crabbe and Goyel. He kept his eyes on him and as soon as Draco left the hall, after he completed his lunch, Harry decided toeave.

"Hey, I'd meet you in common room. Have some important business. You know.... "

Harry ran out of the hall. He noticed Draco was walking to the boys washroom. 

"Wait... Dra- Malfoy" He yelled. 

Draco stopped. Harry jogged to him. 

"Dray... We need to talk. " He said, looking up at him in the eyes, using the nickname Draco loved to be called by him.

"We have nothing to talk Potter. " Draco said in his same cold voice.

Harry was hurt. He is using the surname even when they are alone.

"Dray please. " He begged forgetting his pride. He really needed to know what is matter with Draco.

"Fine" Draco sighs. "ROR. Now. "

The two boys went to their another favorite place to meet up when they wanted to.

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