chapter 7

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It's Sunday morning of November. Draco was searching for a dress to wear when his father arrives.

After he had gotten together with Harry he stopped wearing the formal dress in school. Harry didn't like it.

But as he was going to meet his father he have to wear, the 'formal Malfoy dress' or he would be scolded.

"Fuck it" Draco shouted. " I'll choose in evening.  Father will gonna come during  Midnight. I have enough time. " 

He went to the common room and sat on the couch. 

Blaise was also there reading a book. 

Draco looked at him. So did Blaise. Both of did not say anything.  

The air between them began to become akward when suddenly Pansy came running towards Blaise. " Blaise..... He.... St. Mango... " She began to stutter. 

"Pansy! Pasny come down... " Blaise said, and stood up to stand beside his best friend.

"I fucking can not come down!  Harry is.... " Pansy stopped immediately as soon as his eyes fell on the Slytherin prince. 

Draco was looking at her worriedly. 

Pansy came closer to Blaise and whispered to him " Harry is in St. Mango. Let's go. "

Blaise asked. "Why? What happened to him? "

Though Harry was always not there when they used to hang out with the Gryffindors, Blaise began to like the smaller Gryffindor. He really was not the saint Potter he used to think. Harry is a cool person.

"Shh..... Let's go I'll gonna tell on our way. Mione and Ron has already gone. Luna and Ginny are waiting for us. "

They were about to leave the common room, when Draco called them hesitantly "wait pyansy.... " Both the Slytherin stopped and turned around to look at him.

"What happened to Harry? "

"None of your business.... " Pansy said coldly. 

"Please Pansy. Just tell me. He's my.... " Draco begged. " Just tell me pansy, I... I care for him. "

"You hate him mate" Blaise stated. 

"NO I DON'T.... JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!.... " Draco shouted.

"You just can't shout and think we'd tell you everything." Pansy said coolly.

"Yon know what, I'm following you.... I wanna go too" Draco followed them. "i want to know what happened to him"

The other two ignored him, and started to walk. Dealing with Draco and his mood swings were not their concern at that moment. And Pansy was knew the secret of Draco and Harry so, she did not protest much.

They went to the head master office. 

"Pansy Blaise.... " Ginny was at the eagle stair, on the way to Headmaster office with Luna. She greeted the two Slytherins and then she saw Draco. 

"What he is doing here? " Ginny asked raising her eyebrow.

Pansy shrugged. "I didn't call him"

"I want to meet my Harry. " Draco said "please, tell me what happened to him." He looked at everyone's face with expectations.

Every one raised their eyebrows at him.
"Let  him come. We'll talk about it later. " Luna said. Though no one told him what happened to Harry.

The three Slytherins Ginny and Luna came to the  St. Mango using the floo connection of headmaster's room. 

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