chapter 6

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The room was same as before. The soft couch, the fire place and of course the window facing the forbidden forest. But Harry and Draco were not cuddling there this time. 

Harry sat in front of the fire alone. Minutes later Draco came and sat beside him keeping a safe distance between them, which made Harry's heart hurt more.

"What do you wanted to talk about Potter? " Draco said in the same cold voice

Harry looked at Draco. He said nothing. Just looked at him. The eyes said many things. Draco could read some. Harry was pleading for Draco to come back. For Draco to love him again. He was asking Why Draco left him. 

Draco could read. Still he asked. 

"Potter? I've not much time you know. Just get done with it already. "
Harry sighed. 

"Dray..... " He opened his mouth.

This was another week point of Draco. He loved hearing this nickname from his Harry.

"Before you start Potter... Please don't use that name. " He said taking a deep breath.

"Draco,......? " Harry was hurt more. 

"It is Malfoy and Potter. " Draco said sternly. "Now continue. "

"Why are you doing this to me? Why are you being so mean like like you..." Harry asked. "You know how much I love you"

" Well let me clear it for you Mr Chosen one. " Draco took a deep breath. "There was maybe something between us last year. But now I want to move on. I have many other things to care about now and you certainly are not one of them."

"What is that? What is more important to you than me? I was your most important thing. You told me yourself last year Draco! Please!" 

"You are not important to me Potter. Well you were.... You were nothing to me. You were just a fucking time pass. I just needed someone in my life to have fun and you was that. But now I'm done with you. You have become boring. "

"Draco.... " Harry said in a shocked voice. 

"I don't like you Potter. So just get over with it. And stop acting like a girl a be a man. "

"Why? " Harry shouted. "Why you give me false hope Malfoy? Why you said I mean world to you? All of these were for fun to you? Nice Draco! Well those were not for only fun to me. I really really thought you meant everything. But i should have fucking known, you are nothing but a self centred prick."

Draco was opening his mouth to say something.  But Harry continued.

"This is cool then. From today we're officially nothing. Okay I'll not talk to you from now on Malfoy. Oh,  And do remember to tell your side kicks to destroy my life with their hopeless remarks. Thank you Draco." He was near the door when he turned around and looked at Draco for the last time. " And and Draco, I tried to be a man. That's why I wanted to get us back together and try to understand what mistake we made."

Harry ran out of the ROR after that.

On the other hand Draco sat there as a robot. After Harry was gone, he broke down. Tear rolling down his cheek. He just cried silently.

He lost his love. The person he loved the most left him.


"Training for the ballet Potter? " Draco smirked. 

The black hair boy was dancing around the ROR, and muggle music was playing slowly. 

"Dray? Where were you...? "  Harry skips to the taller man. As soon as he notice him. 

"Well,  prefect jobs are not easy love... " Draco smiles and pulled the Gryffindor in a hug.

Harry mumbles, keeping his face on his chest. " I missed you drayyy"

Every day, after the curfew Draco would come to meet Harry in the ROR. Draco has his prefect job. And Harry has his invisibility clock to hide. So they could meet without getting caught.

Ron Hermione knew Harry was seeing some one but they did not bother him.  First few days they kept bothering Harry, to tell him, who was them.... But Harry being a arrogant boy, declined every time. So they stopped. 

"Draco..... Come dance with me.... "
Harry pulled the blonde. 

"But I want cuddle Harry.... " Draco protest. "Dance first. Then cuddles. " Harry pouted. " Now come "

Draco laughed "now now.... You always win with your cute face Harry... " 

Harry giggled and pulled the taller towards him. If this was any other day Harry would have protested that he is not cute, but today he just wanted to dance.

Harry's hand were around the Slytherin's neck, and Draco had his hands around his waist.  They slow danced around the room. 

Harry had two left legs when it came to dancing. But when he was with Draco he could do anything, even the dancing also.

They blue and Green looked at each other, lost in them.

Draco slowly leaned down, Harry also brought his face closer, and their lips touched,  the smiled in the sweetest kiss they had ever. 

After dancing for few more time, Draco said" Can we cuddle now? "

Harry grinned. 

And he thought for a few seconds and a bed appeared in the middle of the room.
The two boys laid on the bed together legs and hands wrapped around each other.

Harry woke up, looked around, it was Gryffindor dorm room. 

He remembered after returning from ROR he came back to his room.  And was crying laying on his bed. 

He didn't know when he had fallen asleep. His head was heavy, from all the crying.

He woke up from, thr sweet dream of their time together. 

But as soon as he woke up it brought tears in his eyes again.

"Dracooo....... " He sobbed "why Draco?  I love you Draco.... I can't live without you.... This is too much for me. I lost many people.... Please... Come back"

He continued crying. And suddenly his breath become uneven.  And then after few moments he could not breath. His vision became dark and he fainted.

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