chapter 4

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Harry could not sleep. He was thinking about Draco. The boy he loved the most. Last year was the best for him. He was adopted by his godfathers and then had a boyfriend like Draco caring protective and loving. They were so happy together. And Harry felt so loved when he was with the blonde. But suddenly, he didn't know what happened, that changed everything.

Harry missed Draco, his blonde hair, gray eyes. He missed their secret meeting, snogging in the corridors. Harry being the chosen one everyone treated him like a hero, but Draco was the only one who admired him for himself. Besides school and homework Harry had Voldemort as a headache. But Draco was always their to let him forget that stupid dark Lord. In a few months Draco had become everything for him. He was madly in love with him. So at the beginning of the year when he knew the relationship was nothing to Draco, Harry was hurt. So very much hurt. It broke his heart. But he couldn't tell his best friends he was dating Draco. He know if they find out Draco was his boyfriend and he is one who left Harry so sad they will hex him to death.But Harry do not want that. He loves Draco, still.

Harry cast a quick tempus charm. It is 3am in the morning. The thoughts of Draco and nightmare from Voldemort didn't let him sleep. So Harry grabbed his invisibility clock, which was returned back to him few days ago, and left for the place where he and Draco used to meet.

Sitting under the tree near the lake, Harry was again thinking their time together. Every thing was same. The night sky, the lake the trees. The only difference was there is no Draco. The weather was calm. Sitting there alone slowly he drifted into a sound sleep.

Draco read the letter 10th time in a day. It is from his father. He has informed dark Lord wants him to work under him and make the Malfoy name proud. His father is coming next Sunday to give him the Malfoy mark. Well his mother didn't want him to take the dark mark so this is the alternative way, to keep him loyal.

The Malfoy mark is something that will be in his wrist until he turns eighteen, and this will let his father now where he is and where he is going. It's like tracking charm but not a tracking charm. Voldemort wanted him to take the dark mark, so did his father but Narcissa was against it cause she didn't want her little boy's life destroyed in his teenage. That is why it was their alternative way.

Draco didn't know what to do. He do not want to work under the dark Lord.
Draco finding no way decided to clean his mind and left the Slytherin common room tip toed and went to the tree, where he and his Harry used to come.

As Draco came near the tree he saw a figure there. Going closer he found it is none but Harry sleeping peacefully, curled up leaning against the tree. He couldn't stop himself from admiring the beauty. He looked so adorably innocent.

He sat next to him and lifted Harry's head to put it on his lap and slowly run his long fingers through the messy hair. He casted a warning charm.

Draco didn't know how much time he spent there. As slowly the sun began to rise he decided to leave. Without any second thought he lifted up the smaller boy bridal style and began to walk covering both of them with the invisibility clock.

Harry started to stir. And slowly opened his eyes.

"Dray...? "

Draco's heart skipped hearing the nickname after a long time. But he had to act as Harry is nothing to him. So he dropped him immediately.

"Kicked out by your dorm mates huh? " Draco sneered.

Harry looked up at the boy. "Dray... Why are you acting so mean? "

"Don't call me Dray, Potter.... Go find a better place to sleep. You were about to die from the cold, that's why I was about to take you back. But since you are awake i guess you can walk back." And Draco left.

Harry sighed. Why was Draco carrying him? Really he ment nothing? Really every thing was just a joke?

Returning to his dorm Harry spent a good twenty minutes in the bathroom. Ron Seamus Dean and Neville all of them had already left the dorm when he came out.

Wearing his robes Harry left the Gryffindor tower and walked towards dungeon for potions with Slytherin. He skipped the breakfast again.

Again the Harry Potter was walking lost in thought, unaware of the surrounding. And bumped into none other than the Draco Malfoy. Instead of pansy or Blaise, Crab and Goyel were his sidekick that day. Draco choose to ignore his two best friends since they decided to be friends with the golden trio.

"Scarehead mamma never taught you how to walk? " Goyel mocked him with a evil smirk.

"Oh sorry.... She's dead." Crabbe snickered.

This was enough for Harry. He never liked teasing about his parents. they were very sensitive topic for him.

He got up and looked dead into Draco's eyes. He saw worry there. He knew Draco did nothing,but though he
had disapproving looks in his face the blond did nothing to stop crabbe and goyel from this, and with that the constant ignorance from Draco made Harry yell that three words he never wanted to say to Draco "I hate you Malfoy... I hate you."

Then Harry stormed past them and entered the potions class room.

Draco Malfoy was not seen by anybody the whole day after that. He was not there during lunch not in dinner. He was in his room. How could he come out? He cried all day. Harry hated him. Harry said it. And though this is what he wanted he could not stop himself from crying, because this is not what his heart wanted.

Draco hated his life. Hated every thing. After today maybe his two best friends will also hate him. Since he started ignoring them.

It is Wednesday today. Friday is quidditch Gryffindor vs Slytherin. And Sunday is the day he'll be given the Malfoy mark.

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