chapter 9

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"Draco? " Harry gasped. 

Draco gave him a weak smile and slowly walked to him, keeping his eyes on Harry, to see if there is any sign of disapproval. He found none. So he walked and sat beside Harry. 

"Harry... " He said. 

"What are you doing here? Why did you come? " Harry demanded. 

"Harry, I-" Draco sighed. "Harry I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. "

"Don't be. " Harry said without looking at him. 


"I know I don't deserve you. Draco. I will try to move on. It will be very hard, But I'll try. I will try to forget you. " Harry said without giving Draco a chance to speak. 

"Harry no. there's lot you should know. And please don't move on.  "

Harry frowned. "There's nothing to know Draco. You said, you don't love me. Why would I-"

"I love you" Draco breathed. "I love you Harry... Forever and always"

Harry looked at him shocked. And he forgot how to speak for a while. Then he closed his eyes. A single tear roll down his eye. Harry took a deep breath. Then looked at Draco. Into his eyes. 

"Draco love is not a word of joke. You can not tell it to some one without meaning it."

"And I am not joking Harry. I am saying the bloody truth. " 

"Then why did you break up? Why did you do that? " Harry demanded his voice shaking "I thought we are..we would be alw-ays toge-ther." Harry began to shake his head. " I-i can't brea-breath drac-co"

Draco panicked. He sat on the bed beside Harry and kept his hand on his shoulder.

"Harry.... Harry... Look at me.... Focus on your breath with me. Let's do to together. Okay? Now inhale Harry very good... Now excel... Doing it nice love. Now again inhale....  Exhale. "

They kept doing slow breathing together. And after five minutes Harry calmed down. Draco hugged him. And whispered in his ear. "Harry, love... I broke up with you only to save you. Only to keep you safe. But i screwed up more and instead hurt you. This is not a place to talk about it. We'll talk about it later. When you return home. With Sirius and Remus. Now you should sleep and take rest."

And he slowly laid Harry down. He was about to leave, and felt a tug in his sleeve. Harry was looking at him. Pleading him to stay silently. Draco smiled and sat beside him again. He  began to hum and his right hand playing with His hair. His other arm was hold by Harry tightly. 

Both the boys missed it. They missed their touch. They missed their cuddle. They missed each other for rough two months.

They were not okay for two months. But this simple touch made them worry free. Draco forgot about his father. And Harry began to sleep slowly. A sound sleep. After five minutes Draco made sure Harry has fallen asleep. Then he slowly leaned and kissed his forehead and the scar. He murmured "I love you, and only you. "

Draco thought to stay for a few moments to admired the the sleeping Beauty.

"Who is there? " Draco said. He was sitting in his bed of the personal dorm of him reading a advance potion book. And suddenly felt the door knock. It was 12 at night. Almost every single Slytherin was in there dorm. Who is this? 

Pansy? No she can't be. What will she do to come here in this time? Blaise?

Again there was a knock. Draco become angry He went to the door to open it. As he did none was there. 

Who Is doing this stupid prank now? The Slytherin prince become angry. 

"I bloody hate this" He muttered and closed the door to make sure it made a loud 'thudd'
As soon as he did this, he heard a voice. 

"Idiot" It he knew that voice very well. 

"Harry?" Draco Malfoy was dumbfound. "How did you enter my dorm? "
"I have my ways Dray... " He smirked. 

"Oh come on baby tell me. " Draco said. 


"Harry... "

The gryffindor began to nod his head saying no like the arrogant boy he was. 

"You will not say right? " Draco said with a evil smirk and began to walk at the shorter boy and pinned him in the wall. "Very well love... I've my own trick. "

And then the taller boy began to tickle the shorter and Harry began to laugh. 

"Drayyyy... No... No I'll tell... Just... Dray.. Ddraaaaayyyy pls" 

After tickling for good five minutes Draco stoped. A proud smirk playing in his lip.
"Love I know your weak point... Now tell me... "

Harry pouted. 

"Don't make this cute face.... I will not be able to hold myself. Now tell me.... Or I'll tickle you again"

"Fine fine... " Harry said like a little boy. " I have a invisibility clock of my father's. And I heard the password from Ron since he's the perfect. And thus I'm here... "

"You have a invisibility clock? " Draco was amused. "And haven't tell me.... That's not fair. "

"We've been dating for two months only Dray" Harry again pouted. 

Draco smiled and kissed the boy's check. 

"Okay okay now tell me... Why have you come? " 

"To meet with you. " Harry said without looking at him. 

"Oh oh... My Princess is laying to me?"

"I am not a princess"

"Yes you are.... You are the cute little princess of the Slytherin Prince. Now tell the truth love"

"Fine.... Again you win. I can't sleep in my bed. And I want cuddles" He continued pouting

"Nightmare again? " Draco asked taking the boy with him in the bed. 

Harry nodded and both went under the blanket. Harry curled up against Draco, with Draco holding him. Harry buried his face on Slytherin's chest and asked "Draco... How do you know I was not telling the truth? "

"Cause I love you" Draco said. 

Harry smiled and looked up to kiss his boyfriend in the lips. " I love you too"

Draco smiled remembering the day. He looked at the now sleeping boy, in the hospital bed. He again leaned down to kiss his forehead. 

And then the door opened. 

Ginny and Luna standing there.

"Draco... " Luna said.

"Oh... " Draco noticed them "Luna weas- Ginny? "

"Time to leave Draco.... " Ginny said, and Luna smiled. Draco got up and looked at Harry last time.

"Come on... "

Draco made up his mind. He have to talk to Harry's Godparents.

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