Chapter 7

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I smile as I watch Leo almost vibrate in place, his eyes glowing as we wait for our turn on the rollercoaster.

It's a tradition David, Leo and Nancy have; every day before Christmas they go to the Christmas market and spend the whole day there, eating sweets that the vendors sell and taking every ride there is in the amusement park that's erected every year in time for the holidays.

To my surprise, I've been invited as well this year, and although I begged off at first, unwilling to intrude on what is obviously family time, Nancy a part of the family despite her title as the housekeeper, Leo had quickly convinced me otherwise, begging me to come with. Once I saw David nodding in agreement, one of his rare smiles gracing his lips, I had no other option but to concede.

So, here I am now, standing in line for another ride, and I can't help but share Leo's excitement. I've never been to an amusement park before, let alone ridden on any of the rides that are there, but as the time passes, I'm beginning to understand what all the excitement is about.

"Go on." the man manning the rollercoaster says, unlatching the rope that separates the line from the ride. Leo quickly grabs Nancy's hand and all but runs in, taking one of the two seats available in one row. Nancy joins him, sitting beside him and leaving Mr. Cross and me the row behind them.

I glance at him and the man shrugs and makes his way toward the seats, me following close behind as my stomach rolls in anticipation.

"You okay?" David asks once we take our seats. I'm having a hard time strapping the safety belt on so I sigh and shake my head no; making David snort at the look of utter betrayal I'm throwing at the belt.

"Let me." the man says, and before I can so much as say a word, the man moves, his hands taking the belt and starting to tie it. My heart stops beating for a moment before continuing at a more hurried pace, as my nose fills with his scent.

He smells so good, something that I've noticed already, but this time he's so close that I think I'll pass out from it. It's intoxicating and I can't help but want more.

David is so close, barely an inch separating us and it would be so easy to just stick my head out, bury it into the man's neck and inhale.

A small sigh escapes my mouth as that thought crosses my mind making David glance at me, obviously hearing the quiet sound.

And just like that, I'm once again under his spell, unable to look away just like that day when I bumped into him in the backyard.

I can feel David's hands on my stomach, the skin beneath my winter wear tingling from the sensation. David's warm breath that turns white on every exhale hits my mouth, and I can't help but lick my lips, my breath stuttering as David's eyes fall on my lips, his gaze darkening once he looks back up.

"This is so great!" Leo's voice breaks through the haze in my mind, making me jump as if waking from a dream, David's hands leaving my body and the man moving away quickly, leaving me feeling slightly bereft.

I sigh, looking everywhere but at the man sitting beside me, even though I can feel that dark gaze burning a hole into the side of my face.

I feel out of sorts and confused, the feelings coursing through my blood a novelty. I've never felt this way before, so nervous and out of depth, as I do every time David is around, and I'm petrified at the thought of what it could mean.


I stumble down the stairs, still feeling a bit groggy; yawning so widely that I fear my lower jaw would come unhinged. I went to bed late the previous night, again, but this time it was because of Leo.

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