Chapter 2

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Mihail ^^



I knock on the front door, my hand shaking slightly as I do so, feeling nervous about my interview. The doors swing open after a moment, an old lady appearing on the other side, a polite smile on her lips as she ushers me inside.

"Hello, dear. My name is Nancy. I'm the housekeeper. Are you here for the nanny job?" she asks.

"Yes." I say, sighing in relief as I realize that this truly isn't some prank like I've been fearing. Male nannies are rare, so when I called the number and scheduled a meeting with a certain Mr. Cross, I was apprehensive about the truthfulness of this whole thing.

Nancy nods and motions for me to follow her as she makes her way through the house. I so as I was asked, trailing after her while my eyes dance over my surroundings, widening slightly the more I observe.

The house is huge, nothing like I've ever seen before, more resembling a mansion than a simple house. The closest I witnessed to it is Jack's house, Misha's fiancé, and the same one we have been hiding in after I arrived in town two months ago.

"You can wait here, dear, Mr. Cross is in a conference meeting at the moment, but he should be done soon. You don't mind waiting, do you?"

I shake my head, taking a seat at the big, white couch that is at the center of the living room, careful not to touch anything in fear of dirtying it.

Luxury, I'm surrounded by it and feel very uncomfortable about the fact.

I don't belong here, I think as I look around, once Nancy leaves me alone, already starting to rethink this whole idea.

I'm a nobody, a foreigner with a high school degree and nothing else, hardly a hirable prospect for what appears to be a high society family. They will probably ask for experience and high education, nothing of which I possess.

I'm already thinking about standing up and just leaving, my mind full of self-doubts and insecurities, when a boy of about nine or ten enters the room, holding a book in his hands.

"Um... hi." I say making the boy startle since he hadn't noticed that I was in the room until he heard my voice.

"Who are you?" the boy asks in confusion as he stops in his tracks, his big, brown eyes observing me intently.

"I'm Mihail. I'm here about the nanny job."

The boy hums, looking me up and down curiously before continuing his way into the room and taking a seat on the floor near the coffee table, his eyes once again glued to his book as if I'm not even there.

I feel awkward as the two of us sit in silence, though the boy seems pretty at ease. I rack my mind in search of some topic that would be interesting to a boy of such young age when my eyes fall on the book the boy is reading and my brow hitches in surprise at the sight of my favorite book.

"Do you like it so far?" I ask quietly, unsure if I should disturb him.

"What?" the boy asks, not even moving an inch, his eyes still moving over the page.

"The book. Do you like it? It's my favorite, so I'm wondering what you think about it."

The boy's head snaps up at that, his eyes going round as he jumps to his feet and comes to sit beside me.

"Really? Mine too! I've read it ten times at least!"

I start at that, frowning in bemusement as I look at the boy that can't be more than ten years old.

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