Chapter 3

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I sigh as I close the door of my house behind Mr. Turgenev following the end of his interview. To say that the man has been elated when he realized that he got the job would be an understatement.

Mihail had contacted me the previous day after seeing the ad in the paper, the only one to do so, and I've been curious to meet the only man who has applied for the job.

He's young, not even 25 yet, and I've been on the fence about hiring him for that reason only. I thought that we would have our meeting, and then I would send him on his way, but of course, Leo got in the way.

The moment I entered the living room in search of Mr. Turgenev, I stopped in my tracks at the sight that greeted me. My son, my serious and withdrawn son who never engages with anyone he doesn't know well, let alone a stranger, was laughing.

I stood there, shocked to my very core as I watched the two of them converse as if they've known each other for ages and not what must have been only a few minutes.

I couldn't remember a time when my son had been so relaxed with someone other than Nancy, or me but I was sure that it had been before his mother have left.

I was already rethinking my plan of sending Mr. Turgenev on his way promptly as I had originally planned when Leo had run up to me.

"I like him." the boy had whispered before running away as quickly as he came, leaving me feeling befuddled.

What was it about the young man that had snatched my son's attention so quickly? That has made him instantly like him when Leo barely likes anyone.

So, I ended up hiring him, despite believing that it was a huge mistake, especially once I saw just how inexperienced the young man was.

When I asked him about his lack of experience and why he wanted this job, I expected the man to respond with one of those generic answers, the ones that were polite and expected, but I was surprised yet again.

There was nothing generic about his words, each one honest and true, I'm sure. And I also knew that the man didn't expect to get a job. He was expecting a polite rebuff, I could see that in his body language, in the way he bit his bottom lip, a frown that creased his forehead, and in the way his eyes watched me in resignation.

There is something about those eyes, I think as I go back to my home office. The man is 24 years old and yet his eyes speak of a hard and long life.

I've seen that look before, in men and women whom I defend each day in the courtroom. The ones that have been through hell and back, but to see it in someone so young has shaken me.

I don't know why my son has chosen Mihail Turgenev, but something tells me that his choice will change everything.


"Are you sure Nancy?" I ask as I pull a fresh shirt on, smiling once I see her rolling her eyes at me in the reflection of the mirror in front of me while she watches me.

"Yes. It's hardly the first time I watch the boy and it's not like he's that much work. He's like a cat, give him something to eat and he's content to sit in one place for the rest of the day with those damn books of his."

The old housekeeper shakes her head, though a small smile gracing her lips tells of her love for the boy despite how harsh her words seem.

"Thank you. And if everything goes well tomorrow when Mr. Turgenev gets here, you won't have to watch Leo anymore."

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