Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

George, who didn't know what my friends were, was shocked by this news. "I'll get her to bed," he said.

Draco nodded but before leaving turned to me and whispered, "send me an owl if you need anything at all."

"I'll be okay."

Though he looked a bit skeptical he turned to walk away glancing back before turning the corner of the hallway.

"Let's go," George said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder guiding me into the tower.

Despite it being the middle of the day there weren't too many people in the common room and nobody was paying any attention to me. George for some reason was able to get me upstairs which was odd as boys were not allowed up the girls' stairs.

Hermione was already in the room when I arrived and when we walked in and she stood quickly noticing us. "George? Why are you... How are you up here?" she asked.

"Which bed is hers?" he asked.

Pointing to my bed George quickly moved me so that I could sit in it. Moving backward I leaned back against the wall bringing my legs up allowing my head to rest on my knees. I could hear the other two talking quietly a few feet away.

Hermione climbed into the bed a couple of seconds later and just sat next to me not saying anything. Ginny came next following Hermione into a bed sitting on the other side of me and together the two of them pulled the drapes around us. And we sat there simple enough nobody said anything but just the two of them there telling me they were there for me. And I knew that if I needed anything they would be there for me.

I thought the next day was going to be easier after a good night's sleep. But I had been wrong the next morning the same numbness was present. Hermione had been persistent in getting me out of the dorm on time and down for breakfast.

Only when I was heading to class did Professor Mygonical stop me gently pulling me to the side of the hallway. "Miss. Redwood, Mr. Malfoy approached me informing me about a girl from camp something happened. I did need to tell you if you ever need a day off you can approach any one of the professors we all know what is going on," she said.

"Thank you, professor, I'm fine I think, missing class would only be worse for me."

Receiving a nod from the professor we both went our separate ways. Draco was already in Charms when I walked in taking the empty seat next to him quickly.

"You okay?" he asked, leaning over to whisper it to me.

With a small smile, I gave a nod to him before turning back to Flitwick who had just walked in. Though Percy had told me he believed Annabeth to be alive I wasn't sure especially if Chiron and Mr. D didn't believe she was alive. It was good for me to be in class just the smallest distraction. My mind however was focused on the fact that my brother was there a few feet from Annabeth made me more worried about my brother than before. It could have as easily have been my brother instead of Annabeth.

The class seemed to have gone by in a flash before I knew it Professor Flickwick was walking out of the room. Students had started to walk out as well and after a few moments, it was just Draco and I.

"Are you sure you're okay, you can take the day off you know," Draco said?

He had moved so that his arm was on the back of my chair leaning into my slightly his voice quitting. "I need a distraction. All I can think about is how easily it could have been Percy." Tears and formed in my eyes and I quickly barred my head into Draco's shoulder to keep him from seeing. "I know I shouldn't be thinking about it but I am just so happy that it was her and not Percy. Does that make me a bad person?"

"No, it doesn't make you a bad person. You love your brother and that is okay."

Gently pulling me away from him, his hands moved to wipe the tears in my eyes with a small smile on his face. "Now are you sure you want to go to this next class?" he questioned.

By now there had been other students filing into the classroom most staring at us in curiosity. "Yes, I'll be fine and will sit with you at lunch." Leaning forward and delivering a quick peck to Draco I was up and moving to Transfiguration.

By lunch, I was impressed that I wasn't falling over but I still made it to the cafeteria to pretty much fall next to Draco. By now the others barely even glanced at me when I sat down, gone were the days that stares followed our every move. It seemed maybe people had found other things to gossip about.

"How are you doing," Draco asked.

Before I could even think of answering professor Dumbledoor approached a cheery smile on his face. "Miss, Redwood, there has been an urgent letter dropped off for you," he said, holding out the small envelope to me.

"Thank you, sir," I said.

The letter dropped in my hand seemed to weigh heavier than I initially expected it to be. Though everybody else in the group turned back to their conversations, Draco's attention however stayed fully on me.

"Who's it from?" Draco asked.

Dear Bailey,

I'm sorry it has to come like this but we regret to inform you that your brother Percy is missing. Do not fret we believe that he is alive but we are unable to locate him at this time. We will keep you up to date on the ongoings of his location.

Please do try not to worry too much.


Folding the letter up I turned to Draco and said, "the leader of camp, my brothers run away."

I saw it coming from pretty far away my brother was going to go after Annabeth so him running from camp was just a matter of time. "What do they have?" he asked.

"No, it's alright Percy can handle himself. I knew he would be running soon anyway."

"Does this have anything to do with that girl that went missing?" he asked.

I nodded but didn't explain any further knowing it would have been hard to explain. And thankfully he didn't push it returning to his lunch with only a small shrug.

My brother I was sure was going to be fine. There wasn't a lot of trouble he would be able to get into without his friends Grover or Annabeth by his side. Being worried wasn't going to get me very far and I rather focus on school than worry about a boy that was going to do whatever he wanted.

"My mothers informed me that she is going to be married again," Blaise was going to talk to the rest of his group.

"What is this the seventh time?"

Despite what I had been told about the Slytherins none of them were really that bad. Sure they held up images around the other houses and had a bit of sarcastic humor to them but they still seemed pretty normal. You wouldn't notice it though unless you spent a bit of time with them which was what I had been doing. 

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