Chapter 10

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The cure helps, but the Galra empire is left weakened "I get that you want the black lion, but this is insanity!" Angel says "No, the lion is calling me" Keith explains, earning a sigh "So how exactly are we going to get it?" Angel asks "We'll improvise". Allura is waiting in the hangar and she crosses her arms "What are you two doing here?" she asks "Black is calling me" Keith says "I'm afraid the paladins aren't here anymore" Allura says "Something weakened the Galra empire and-" "Yeah, there was a contagious sickness, well only the Galra soldiers got sick and I did too, but Keith was fine so we found a cure and if we don't go back to help out they'll think we're traitors" Angel says "They won't if we come back with the black lion, is it here?" Keith asks.

Keith and Angel arrive back and Keith instantly fires on Red, while Angel is piloting the ship they used using her tablet and she glares at the screen when Hunk destroys it "Backup has arrived" Keith says as the white lion flies towards them and Angel gets in her own lion.

"What how?!" Pidge yells "I apologize" Allura says "I saw their ship, but when I arrived at the hanger Keith was gone" she says "You should retreat, they have two lions now and Blue is still damaged" "We'll come back princess" Lance says. Once they're at the castle Allura explains their situation "We're getting closer to our goal" Allura says "Goal?" Shiro asks "Yes," Kolivan says "By having those two worm their way into their ranks until there's no doubt anymore the Galra empire will be destroyed from the inside." he explains "Would you rather follow someone who has a good head on her shoulder or is set on one thing only?" Allura asks "Probably the first option" Shiro says.

Zarkon is pleased to see the black lion, less pleased that his connection is gone "Are you alright sire?" Haggar asks, the two are watching the resident troublemakers play games "My connection with the lion, it's gone" he says narrowing his eyes at Keith "The people need you here sire. It is good that we have a pilot of the black lion" "Yes" Zarkon says.

Everything goes alright for a while, but Zarkon's health is going backwards and it's a complete chaos "Destroy the mining colony father?" Angel asks carefully "We need that for materials, we might as well stop building sentries and weapons, we might as well stop harvesting quintessence" "QUIET!" Zarkon yells, but Angel doesn't flinch "I refuse the mission. You were so focused on taking down Voltron, which was fine, but since you realized you lost your connection with Black you've been ordering everyone to destroy all the worlds we've taken over. I refuse to do such missions!" "The Black Lion will be mine!" Zarkon yells "Come on Keith, we should go and help out another base, this is madness." Angel says and she walks off with the black paladin, who's ear twitches and he turns slightly before picking up Angel and moving to the side "Sire" Haggar says "The empire would never listen to you again if you go through with it", she looks at Keith "Take her and go".

"Can't believe it." Keith says when they're finally safe on another base, well, safe as in out of Zarkon's reach "Well having two troops fight is better then a mad emperor." Angel points out, unsurprisingly, Zarkon had ordered nearby ships to fire on them, but they hadn't "Keith your arm!" Angel says walking over "You're going to have to let your disguise go for a short while." They get attacked and managed to fight them all off "How are you able to use my knife?" Keith asks "I freakin knew it!" Angel says "Keith, this is Krolia, Krolia, this is Keith, but you know that already." "It used to be mine" Krolia says making Angel groan "Just say it". Keith and Angel had changed into Blade of Marmora clothes, which Krolia had given them "She's your mother. I knew it" Angel mumbles the last part "You knew?" they both ask "Yep, Keith opened my ship, which only opens for someone with Altean or Galra dna, then it was confirmed he's half Galra and I knew you're the only one who had been on Earth for a longer period of time. But Kolivan said it's unlikely and I never said anything because-" she can't finish when Keith punches her "Deserved that." she says "Sorry." he says holding out his hand "Because then you would've tried to find her" she finishes rubbing her cheek "Keith you can't just hit-" "Krolia it's fine, I've had worse, but we need to get out of here, there's somewhere we never got to check, only this time we don't have our lions." "So that's going to take how long?" Keith asks "Two years?" Angel asks "You don't mind do you?" "I'd rather spend two years with you then two weeks alone with Lance" Keith deadpans.

So they explain what they discovered last time "He was using Alteans to harvest their quintessense?" Krolia asks earning two nods "We found a tube with... someone who was still barely alive, so we put him in the cryo pod in the white lion, wrote our report and send all that to Allura." Keith explains "But he looked familiar." Angel points out "What did you do with Allura's brother after he died?" Keith asks "I don't remember, I do remember he was near my ship, hidden in the force field." "You don't think Lotor found him did you? The planet kept you alive-" "Hold that thought", Angel changes the course and Keith raises an eyebrow "I never actually explored the entire planet, but I do know you're right, the cold kept me alive. Having said that, I might know who it was in that tube." "Really who?" Krolia asks "Before mom died she mentioned a family friend who studied quintessence, but Lotor killed all the others".

At the ice planet the three look around in the cave systems "If you were Lotor and you'd want to hide someone who means a lot to your sibling, where'd you bring him?" Keith asks "Somewhere I couldn't go without extra warmth, do these have thermal build in?" Angel asks making Krolia nod, they go deeper into the planet and Keith rubs his arms "The planet's core is frozen" Krolia says "Yeah, which is why it's so cold here, also why the crystals grow here" Angel explains, they arrive at some sort of chamber and they cut the ice away. "Right" Keith says, inside the room is a pod with machines connected to it "I think," Angel says as she carefully walks over to it "that Lotor might have planned to use this as a trump card to win over Allura's friendship, you know, before we left the paladins." "We need to get him to Allura and Coran" Keith says "Only the controls are frozen over". Krolia walks over and punches the machine, making the pod open "He's alive." she says, the initial reaction is expected, but Angel is quick to hold her old friend down "Junior" she deadpans making the male groan "Hate that name" "I know, I'll let you go, if you promise not to attack anyone", when she gets a nod Angel lets go "Well then, Keith, Krolia, this is Allura's younger brother, Alfor junior, we call him Junior to tease him" she says making the Altean groan "Alfor, this is Keith, my boyfriend and his mother Krolia" Angel adds "Who decided on my name again?" "That'd be Coran, who thought you were the mirror image of you father, come on let's go, we have a stop to make".

Voltron: The Other Altean (rewriting) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن