Chapter 13

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Angel, because Haggar is her last remaining family alive, has trouble accepting the fact her mother is gone "Home." she says when she steps onto the surface of Daibazaal "Althought I really could do without this idiot." she says kicking Lotor lightly, how he was there she doesn't know, considering she killed him. "Home huh..." Krolia mumbles "Let's get this started, Kolivan, Krolia, I'm putting you in charge of security." Angel says "Axca, track down Sendak, kill him if you must, I don't care." "Angel!" Lotor calls when he sees her and she flinches when she's hugged tightly "How? Father killed you." he asks, earning a confused look "No, pretty sure I killed him, Keith?" Angel looks at Keith who chuckles "You did, but different realities." "Please let me go now, I really don't like you right now." Angel says and she moves back "What'd I do to her?" Lotor asks, making Keith frown "Well... she crashed on a planet around ten thousant years ago and you knew where she was, but you left her there to die anyway." "I did what?!" Lotor asks, seemingly utterly disgusted with the idea. "We've located a small group of Sendak's men nearby." Kolivan tells Angel, who nods "Capture them, interrogate them and kill them, in that order, feel free to torture them too somewhere along the line." Angel says, making him nod "Anything else I should know before I see someone that gives me a heart attack?" she asks "Not here, but we can visit Altea." Keith tells her.

They arrive at Altea, but before they can leave Allura and Junior stop them "Did you guys see someone who was supposed to be dead?" Allura asks, so Keith deadpans "Lotor, he seemed disgusted at the idea of leaving Angel to die somewhere." "Who's back from the dead?" Angel asks, causing the two to share a look "Well, we thought Allura would be the queen of Altea, but..." Junior trails of, so the Altean/Galran hybrid pushes passed them to run to the castle "No wait! We hadn't gotten through the entire explanation yet!" Allura yells. Angel enters the throne room and she leans on her knees to catch her breath "I'm telling you darling, their explanation makes no sense, they don't have a-" someone stops talking and Angel freezes "Alfor?" she asks, earning a confused look "You... my father killed you! I-" "Guess they were speaking the truth.", it's that Keith arrives to steady Angel, but otherwise she'd have fallen down "We tried to warn you." Junior mumbles "Mother, father, this is Angel, youngest child of Zarkon and Honerva and current empress of the Galra empire, the one holding her steady is Keith, half human, half Galran, the black Paladin and Angel's boyfriend." Allura introduces them "Keith, we gotta go soon!" Shiro says, earning a confused look "Sendak's forces are heading to Earth, the ones near Daibazaal were only a distraction." Pidge says "I'm gonna kill him when I can, I thought we were done chasing maniacs!" Hunk complaints, earning a few chuckles "Cosmo, take her back to the lion, I'll join you soon."

They use a wormhole to get to Earth and they stop at the scene "Going in with the lions is basically suicide." Angel mumbles and she looks at Pidge "Can we put them somewhere safe?" "Yes," Pidge replies "but then getting there might a bit of a problem." "Not really. I have a small ship in my lion, but we could just take my lion, it's not part of Voltron." Angel says, though she frowns at the huge amount of ships surrounding Earth "Though that might be a bit of a problem. I can technically get through it, but the question would be how safely the landing it gonna be." "Well what do we have to lose?" Keith asks, making Shiro chuckle as Allura says "Nothing, we'll go with that lion then."

The landing is indeed rough, but they're all alive and in one piece "I'd like to put my lion inside the shield if you don't mind." Angel says when she's face to face with an army general "And who are you to demand things from us while we're being invaded?" is the question she gets back "Pidge, Keith! It's great to see you again!" Matt says as he runs over to them "And Angel too, pleasure to officially meet you." he adds with a short bow "Don't bother bowing, I'm here for Sendak, not to make peace, honestly, you guys deal with this every day?" Angel asks "Pretty much yeah." Lance mumbles "This is Angel, she's the empress of the Galra empire." Matt explains.

They eventually get debriefed on the situation "So the only reason this place isn't overrun yet is because of the Altean tech powering the shield." Allura mumbles "Pretty much." "And he's enslaving the rest of the population..." Angel mumbles, she's really tempted to just go to the main ship and blow it up "No." Allura and Keith tell her "If I had dealt with him sooner like I dealt with my father." "Then you wouldn't be empress, your uhm... phone is ringing." Allura says, so Angel excuses herself.

"Can we really trust her?" Iverson asks, making the paladins nod slightly "She may have some strange habits, but she's a good friend." Lance says. When Angel returns she plops down on her previous seat "That was my brother, we're getting backup, but it's in the form of one of mom's remaining robeasts." "And how will that help us exactly?" Pidge asks, so Angel shrugs "Apparently before her sacrifice she made some more robeasts in secret to help me, not sure how they'll listen to me but it'll take a while before it gets here.".

Iverson stays wary of the girl, especially when he finds her giving hints on how to destroy the ships effectively "Okay so target the cannons first, then aim for the weak points." Veronica mumbles "Yep, avoid the laser cannons though, the big ones that is. Hello Iverson," Angel says as she stands up "do you need something?" "Why are you out here training my-" "I can stop if you want, but I am giving them a higher chance of survival." she cuts him off "I don't trust you, a girl like you are no leader." he says, Keith, who was watching walks over when he notices Angel's skin tone changing as she clenches her fist "Angel, you've been at it for a while, we should get something to eat." he tells her, making Iverson look surprised at the interruption "Food sounds good." she mumbles, though she punches Iverson before she follows Keith.

"That stupid, ungrateful, stubborn man!" Allura complains, earning several confused looks "You talking about Iverson?" Shiro asks, so she nods "Oh yeah, add that he's racist to the list." Angel deadpans "He'd rather have them die then let me give pointers on how to destroy a ship the fastests, but no matter, I called backup." "Backup?" Pidge asks, earning a grin "Half my fleet will be showing up tomorrow morning, I'll greet them with my lion and lead the attack, you guys stay put and follow whatever plan Allura has." "Promise to be careful." Keith mumbles, hugging his girlfriend "Of course, but you need a way to get your lions down here." she points out while hugging back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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