Chapter 9

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"Three lions." Haggar says "Angel!" Keith says, sounding somewhat panicked "Lance is trying to take control of Red." "We need to get in the castle and steal Black." Angel says "Right, I might have an idea, dodge!" Keith says and they see the castle firing at Angel's lion, who flies under it, but the other two lions block her escape route and Red slams into White, pushing her away from the attack "Keith!" she yells and the next blast hits her "Haggar?" she asks opening the channel "I am not leaving without him" "You have to", Lance gets Red back, so Angel looks at the odds "Angel, surrender your lion." Allura says "No!" the hybrid says "I will be back for Keith, if needed." she adds before turning her lion around and flying off.

Keith looks terrible, he reverted back to his human self "Get him to a healing pod!" Allura says "Allura, we shouldn't help him," Shiro counters "He's the enemy!" "And who's fault is that?!" she asks narrowing her eyes at him "It's your fault, you pushed them away!".

"This isn't good" Haggar says making Angel worried and curious"What?" "My control is slipping" "And that's bad?" Angel asks "Yes," Haggar says "Keith's in danger" "Danger?". After Haggar explains Angel runs off, but she's too late and when she arrives at the castle only Coran is awake "Where's Shiro?" she asks "He took Keith and left." Coran says, making the hybrid groan "Kolivan, Keith's taken, need backup, expect coordinates" she says running off.

She tracks the black Lion to a dying star and she shoots Black down when it wants to flee "Shiro, come out here and fight like the leader you think you are!" she yells after checking on Keith "Keep him busy." Allura says "How?" Angel asks. "Angel, are you alright?" Haggar asks "For now, any advise?", it's quiet for a moment "His metal arm" "Thanks".

By the time Kolivan arrives Angel is kneeling next to Keith "You two need to get those injuries checked" he says "No use," she mumbles "He was out of control Kolivan, I don't want to lose-" "You will not lose him!" Kolivan says "But there's nothing I can do!" she says. The structure they're on finally collapses and Kolivan has to watch as the two he had grown to care about fall down with it, but Blue gets him away from the planet after picking up Black and Shiro while the White lion grabs her paladin and friend.

When Keith wakes up his vision is blurry "Are you certain?" Zarkon asks "Yes, they were lucky, extremely lucky." Haggar says "Angel..." Keith mumbles as he sits up slowly and he smiles slightly seeing her asleep "You're awake." Zarkon says "What happened?" "Well the last things I remember after knocking her lion away is being tossed on a dying planet and fighting whoever that was". "Keith!" Angel says hugging him tightly "Shiro kidnapped you, they were healing you, but he took you and left, when I found you Shiro was about to leave, so I shot him down and-" "Shiro did this?" "Not really, I call him Kuron" Haggar cuts in "I made him to infiltrate the paladins, but then you showed up and that plan was abandoned." she explains "Sir, Lotor wishes to see you," a soldier says. Lotor challanges his father to a duel and Zorkon obviously accepts, but the hybrid prince loses. "How many more times are you going to come back to humiliate yourself?" Zarkon asks "Kill him." he says earning a chuckle from Angel "Right away." she says dashing forwards and she stabs her brother "For someone who was half dead you're quite good." Lotor comments "You're the reason Haggar's project failed" Angel hisses "Of course, but I see I have to do everything myself." he doesn't get the chance when Angel takes her knife and stabs him in his heart "I'd let you suffer, but we saw how that turned out" she says stepping back and she watches as her only sibling falls on the ground, dead. "You will make a fine empress one day" Zarkon says "Thank you" Angel says.

Allura looks at Shiro, who's looking extremely guilty "It's not your fault," Pidge says "It was Lotor and we don't have to worry about him anymore." she adds showing a video of Lotor getting killed "All we can do now is hope for the best." "The best?" Lance asks "She killed her own brother, I think they're lost by now." "I guess only time will tell" Allura says, she, like Kolivan, saw the two fall down and get caught by the White lion, Angel had every right to kill Lotor.

"Father we've not heard anything for weeks" Angel says "Maybe someone should scout?" "We can't scout every system, besides you're sick, you're not going anywhere." Zarkon says "She's not the only one sire," Haggar says "Almost one fourth of the troops have it." "I feel fine though." Keith says "Probably your human half protecting you," Angel mumbles "Haggar's fine!" she complaints "She's not Galra." Zarkon says. "There has to be a cure somewhere" Keith eventually says "But where?" Angel asks "Those crystals," Keith says "From the planet we found you on, you said that one of them has healing properties." "Yes, but without a wormhole..." Angel trails off as she starts coughing "I'll make one work." Haggar says.

Angel goes with Keith to the planet "Are you sure this will work?" she asks sitting in the lion while Keith is crushing some crystals "Yes," he says "Okay no." "Keith... you're hurt" she observes "Some of those creatures" he answers "Where are your cats?" "Haggar promised to watch them". With the cure finished Keith hands it over "Well" she mumbles taking the drink "Here goes nothing", when the glass is empty she makes a disgusted face "That tastes horrible" she says "You're looking better" Keith says "And your fever is going down, but you look tired" "Am tired" she mumbles as she falls asleep.

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