Chapter 5

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The prank war is really one sided and no one is surprised that team Pidge is the winner "We hacked the drones" Angel says "And the food goo machines" Keith adds and they look at Pidge "And the cameras", Allura clears her throat "Considering everyone followed the rules, including the no deadly pranks one they win" she says "Next time I wanna be in a team with Pidge" Lance says, but Pidge chuckles "I didn't hack the drones, never even went near the training room" "We were there first" Shiro says "No you weren't" Keith points out "But we didn't see anyone" Hunk says "Idiots" Angel mumbles. "Alright I should be finished with repairs soon" Coran says during dinner "Alright, but we're still left with one problem" Angel says "Doesn't the person 'betraying' you guys with me needs an excuse as to why?" "Said person can probably think of one" Allura says earning a sigh. After dinner Pidge and Hunk intercept a message alerting all the troops that Zarkon needs Angel home and they look at Keith, who's teaching Angel how to play chess "What?" he asks walking over "Coran you finished?" Pidge asks "Yeah, why?" he asks "Just curious" Hunk says and the four in the main room that now would be the best time to start the plan, they're just not sure how to tell the others. "Well there's always this option" Angel says punching the two KO "Where's the lion?" Keith asks "Red's hangar," Angel says so the two head over there "You're still wearing your casual clothes." "I know, can't show up in my paladin outfit" he points out, they run into Lance, who asks "Where are Hunk and Pidge? They're not responding" "Main room" Keith says "And where are you two-" Lance tries asking, but he's cut off "Taking her for a flight" Keith says when they push passed Lance. Allura sighs when Lance runs in telling her Keith and Angel are gone "Let's pursue them" she says running to the main room "I lost sight of them"Coran says "They didn't take Red?" Shiro asks "No, they took the white lion and the sword" Allura says.

Zarkon is surprised to see the two intruders are his daughter and the red paladin "Welcome home" he says "But I was under the impression that you didn't want to come home" "True, at first I didn't, but then I got tired of Allura ordering people around and what not" she says "And Keith here helped me get away" "And why would he do that?" Haggar asks "Because like Angel I got tired of Allura saying what we should do and don't even get me started on the Black paladin." Keith says "So when our green paladin somehow intercepted a transmition and translated it I figure there would never be a better time to leave".

Zarkon buys the story, Haggar took longer to convince "Personal bodyguard," she mumbles "I don't need a bodyguard." "Is it really that bad?" Keith asks, he's wearing Galran armor now "I guess not." she mumbles "I still have my sword and the lion." "True".

"What are you doing here?" Lotor asks when Angel and Keith enter the throne room "Well obviously I'm home." Angel counters with a glare "Father you can't be serious, surely you can see that this is a trap." Lotor says looking at Zarkon. "What are you doing here?" Angel asks "Checking why there were messages that you had to come home, you crashed on that planet". Hearing that makes her angry as hell "You knew where I crashed and you didn't try to help me?!" she asks/yells "You just want the throne for yourself, that's why you didn't help me! Some older brother you are!" "Angel, Lotor, enough!" Zarkon says "Angel is right, you should've helped her when you found her location, however that doesn't mean you can throw false accusations at you brother either." he says "Do you know what state the paladins found me in in my not fully functional healing pod? I was full of injuries, I couldn't even talk normally without my throat hurting like crazy until Coran dragged me to their healing pods to fix all my injuries, if they hadn't found me I still would've died." Angel says looking down "I was lucky and you knew exactly where I was", Lotor barely has time to react but Keith grabs Angel's wrist, giving her a warning look "You will fight this out in the arena, however Lotor, you are still exiled." "Right right, did I mention I stole your plans bro? Plans to turn Alteans into a farm for the purest quintessence, well guess where we stopped on the way here, your so called saving program and as much as I hate Allura she probably found the survivor by now and my notes." This time Lotor lashes out, but Keith is faster and he tackles him to the ground "You lay one hand on her and I will throw you into space without helmet, is that clear?" he asks earning a fearful nod "We destroyed it by the way." Angel says "See you in the arena".

Angel is wearing one of her casual outfits, a dress reaching her knees, leggings and boots, not needing a full set of armor as she needed to be quick and she has her knife hidden in her boot "There will not be any rules," Zarkon says "Besides that this is a fight that will end if one dies or surrenders." he adds making the crowd cheer "I'll just save everyone a lot of trouble down the road." Angel says running forwards and Keith sighs, she's trying to kill him, not playing around like she did with training, at least now he understood why she hated her brother. Eventually Lotor has her on the ground when she hits him between his legs with her knee and she stabs him through his stomach after rolling away "Know what? I think we should let him run back where he came from with his tail between his legs like the coward he is and always will be." she says "It's not as satisfying as seeing this fight end by one killing the other, but his pride will be damaged and it will be known that my son is a coward, he will no longer be welcome in any sort of base, or even here, escort him out." Zarkon says making Keith mumble "And his ego is damaged beyond repair.".

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