Shopping Fiasco

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Just to set the scene, It's the weekend after the first week.
I just realized how quickly everything is going, but that's life, sudden changes.



Harry's POV

IT WAS FINALLY TIME TO GET UP, TIME TO GO SHOPPING! Harry was bouncing up and down he was ecstatic. He's never done this before he was just thinking of all the things they would do!

Then a heavy feeling hit. It would be rude to use so much money on him, even just for a small wardrobe adjustment.

But they said I deserve this!


Harry knew was right. He shouldn't go frolicking around and spending money without a care in the world. He held back tears and went to get ready. He took a hot shower and put up his glamour, brushed his teeth and hair, and stared. He stared for a while, who knows how long.

"You'd look good with an earring." A voice from behind spoke amusedly. Harry whipped around with the towel barely above his widened waist (his transformation did this so that he could bear pups said the goblin in charge). Draco was leaning against the door frame with fresh bed hair and a content look on his face at seeing blush spread all over Harry's body.

"I- uh, thank you?" Harry said unsure of how to react.

Draco laughed and he relaxed. He loved that sounds, so smooth and sweet that very few experienced so he soaked it in. Draco approached and engulfed him in a hug.

"What's wrong kitten? You looked lost while staring at the mirror." Draco whispered while he rubbed soothing circles into his back.

Harry gulped he didn't know if he should lie or tell the truth. He chose the latter.

"I- I don't think you should spend a lot of money on me because..." he stopped himself, he didn't want to seem weak in front of his mate.

Draco frowned only guessing what he would say next,"Hey, you deserve the world mi amour. What those muggles did to you was wrong and you are worth every knut me and Sev spend on you" he kissed Harry's nose, eyelids, cheeks, forehead, and then lips. He showered him with the attention he deserved and left him to go get ready.

Harry felt dizzy, Draco was so sweet to him, did he mean all of that? Draco never lies, never since we found each other as mates. This caused a smile to tug at his lips while he looked for an outfit to wear.

He chose a long orange skirt that reached his ankles with sections that had ruffles separating them. His top was a cropped baby blue button up (young Donna from Mamma Mia, yknow that outfit... goddamn 🥴) Harry's hair was put up into a messy bun, some strands escaped and framed his soft face perfectly. When he deemed himself ready he went to the dining room where Sev was waiting for him.

"Good Morning Harry, come eat before your plate gets cold." he teased, Harry knew it wouldn't go cold due to a conservation spell he sensed placed on his plate to keep it warm. He gave Severus a little smile, which seemed to surprise the professor, he giggled and dug in. A few minutes later Draco came out and they were all enjoying their Saturday morning with a traditional English breakfast and some light banter here and there.

At around 11 when everyone had finished eating and the plates had been washed and put away (Severus likes to clean his plates by hand to make sure they're actually clean) they headed out to Hogsmeade. People stared at Harry not because of his clothing but because of the people accompanying him. The "Gryffindor Golden Boy" holding hands with his stone faced mate Draco, and the stern and nasty Potions Master. Harry giggled at the peoples faces and the people were stunned to see the two stoic people with him soften and relax.

Harry let himself be led to different clothing shops where they measured every inch of him, draped him in different cloths, and sent him to change into several outfits. Sev and Draco were satisfied when there was a full bag for each kind of clothing a person could ever need. Undergarments, PJ's, formal and informal, skirts, pants, dress shirts, robes. Though there were two bags full of muggle "girl" clothes for Harry which he was very excited for (Draco was wary but seeing him so excited he let him get the lot).

They decided to end their spree there and headed to the 'Three Broomsticks' to eat a late lunch. They were shopping for 3 hours so it was a quarter after 2 in the afternoon. They sat in the corner most area of the establishment enjoying the Lunch Special and a couple Butterbeers. Harry was smiling thinking about today and now.

He felt loved.

They returned after perusing through other shops leisurely. They ended up buying books (Draco and Severus couldn't help themselves to Harry's amusement), and a couple bags if sweets.

By the time they arrived back at the castle the after shopping fatigue set in and they dragged themselves to Sev's room. Harry barely remembered bidding goodnight to Severus and getting changed, his head hit his pillow and he was out like a light in his dragon's arms.

ahahaha... soooooo its been a while huh? IM SORRY I JUST SUCK AT KEEPING THINGS GOING. I just didnt want to give this up for adoption cuz this book was forming in my mind before i knew wattpad was a thing so now all of you get to deal with my shitty story i replay in my head with different endings. :) i hope to get started on the next chapter and not post the next chapter in like 2 years aha. again sorry. thanks to those who stayed around (doubt it lol)

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