Meddlers and Chambers

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Dumbledore's POV

  He sat in his throne like chair with stippled fingers. His blue eyes twinkling almost grandfatherly like, but knowing how to read a person, his face meant trouble. Albus Dumbledore was currently in his office going over his plans once again, though he knew they were flawless. Besides, how bad can a submissive neko be?

Oh how wrong he was.

Harry's POV

Harry was pissed.

Dumbledore just called him up to his office trying to get him to get with another person (mostly Ginny) because his mate is 'dark'. He also tried to put more compulsions and blocks on him during that meeting with his tea. Thankfully the visit to the  goblins came with matching bracelets to protect and inform him and his dragon if that were to happen again.


He was currently in the Chamber of Secrets blowing up dummies back to back. During his third year he wandered back to this place and decided to have it cleaned, it was part of the history of the castle after all. He had Dobby and a few other house elves remove the skeleton from the main chamber and had the fangs and rest of the skeleton stored in jars. His explorations led him to find Salazars' true secret chamber. Harry always wondered about the statue of Slytherin's face and how it was able to hold such a creature. So one day during his adventures he tried using parsel.

He found a long tunnel and the most beautiful thing at the end of it. There was a small nest for the basilisk and a lone egg, he cast a warming charm on it and looked to the door just to the side of it. The intricate snake carvings and runes in it kept the inside quite safe.

Upon entering he found a common room, a library on all types of magic (dark, light, grey, creature, parsel, anything you could think of and more!), a potions lab, a training area, and all the other rooms for a house. A couple papers were laying on the dusty dark oak coffee table in the  common room. Upon further investigation he found if he asked Lady Hogwarts in parsel for something like a room extension or protection she would grant it. Although the parsel was just for private requests since Lady Hogwarts already loved him (he had yet to figure out why).

Which leads to current events of Harry blowing up the training area with the magic he learned so far. Reading most of the library helped him with his understanding of the wizarding world. Over time he learned to duel, wandless magic, parsel magic, and runes.

He was seething. Harry imagined each dummy he blew up and destroyed was the old sack of bones named Albus fucking Dumbledore. He left a note in Severus' chambers before leaving so that Draco and him wouldn't panic. It took him 2 hours before he stopped duelling, and another hour before he calmed down. He was meditating and fixing his head space and occlumency shields. His head space was formed like Hogwarts, each memory was put in the place it happened, his castle had traps and runes to protect his memories. In his Chamber of Secrets were his memories he thought were important to keep hidden away from prying eyes, protected by a Basilisk named Salazar. This part of his mind could only be reached through a parsel so it was very protected (unless you were Voldemort obviously).

He returned to the dungeons calm and collected. Upon entering Severus' chambers he was tackled to the ground by Draco and Severus loomed over them (it looked like he was also about to tackle him).

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Draco cried, he looked like he'd been to Azkaban and back. His eyes were red and puffy, his perfect hair in disarray.

"I left a note saying, didn't I?" He questioned. He was doubting his words based on his dragon's reaction.

"You did but you were gone for a while. We thought something might have happened. We were about to go look for you." Sev said in his monotonous voice and blank face. But if you knew him you could hear the panic and strain in his voice and eyes. Harry assumed it was a default to protect him from showing emotion when he's troubled.

Harry sighed and re-told the series of events.

(time skip brought to you by the Scarf of Sexual Identity) iykyk

He watched as the two were sat there in shock, processing his words.


"Harry, please take us there. Please, please, pleaseeeee?" Draco begged. He looked at Severus and he had a pleading look on his face.

"I'll take you, but you'll have to learn parseltongue since I can't let you guys in all the time.

To say they were ecstatic was an understatement.

————— ————
Sev's POV

Harry is quite full of surprises.

Currently they walking to the abandoned girl's bathroom on the third floor. The entrance to the Chamber Harry informed them. Strange. When entering the flooded and run down restroom the raven head led us straight to the sinks. Upon further inspection one had snake handles, 'subtle Salazar', he remarked mentally. Harry hissed a string of syllables that didn't seem possible for the human tongue. They watched as the sink moved to the side and an inky black depth at the end of a tube appeared. Harry hissed another command and they watched in awe as stairs replaced the slide.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Harry had such a smug smirk etched securely on his face, but his eyes held a softness of understanding that Severus couldn't find it in him to reply with a snarky remark. He simply just nodded and ushered Draco along.

"Draco pick your jaw up from the floor, you're gonna catch flies." He quipped and said blond looked quite affronted but complied.

They made their way down the staircase in companionable silence. Near the bottom it opened up into a magnificent chamber that had intricately designed columns along the wall. The centrepiece was the huge statue of Salazar Slytherin himself. Harry was walking at a steady pace towards the statue's base, he and Draco followed along dumbly all while soaking in the beauty of the chamber.
If Severus hadn't been watching he would've tripped over Harry. Harry hissed strongly and Salazar's mouth began to move, revealing a tunnel filled with dim torchlight. They walked in a single file line until they reached a vault like door that had snakes engraved into it. To the side there was a huge nest where, if he wasn't mistaken, a single basilisk egg lay there and by the looks of it the egg would be due soon.

"The great beast was a basilisk.." Severus breathed shakily and Harry nodded, Draco looked sick, "You fought a basilisk with no knowledge of fighting in your second year." He couldn't believe this boy-- young man. Taking on such gargantuan task, and he made it no easy journey. He was lost in thought and barely noticed Harry open the door. It was a paler-than-usual Draco that pulled him out of it and into one of the Wizarding World's most precious places. Salazar's True Secret Chamber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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