Creature Inheritance (continued)

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"Mate, wer 'ave 'ou been a' nigh'? Me an' 'Mione 'ere worr'd sick!" Ron exclaimed, well as best he could with his mouth full, in a worried tone. Food bits sprayed everywhere (to everyone's disgust).

Harry blushed furiously remembering the night before.

"Not now," Harry whispered loud enough for his two friends to hear,"I'll tell you later."

Ron thankfully left it at that and inhaled his food (which grossed everyone out, as per usual). Hermione was giving Harry  looks which was making him feel uneasy. The Gryffindors started light banter all through breakfast, except Harry, he was thinking deeply about the letter he had received this morning. Harry flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned sharply to see Ron and Hermione waiting for him. He exhaled in sweet relief but he felt a bit disappointed that it wasn't Draco who tapped him. He stood up swiftly and walked to Transfiguration with his friends.


Draco watched as Harry left the hall. He had to tell Blaise and Pansy, all of Hogwarts knew he was openly gay (except of course Harry who was a bit late to the party). What's there to be scared of? He turned sharply when there was a hand on his shoulder, it was just Uncle Sev. Severus had his usual sneer but all his Slytherins knew that he was concerned about something. Draco stood with the usual Malfoy grace along with Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Millicent. They followed behind Snape towards his office. Once inside Snape turned to face them.

"I see you found your mate Draco," Draco nodded while his friends just stared, confused, "You should've told me! You had me worried sick all night!" Severus placed his hands on his face while Draco told them the story, Severus looking more thoughtful and concerned by the second. He ushered the children to their first class and then stalked the halls for students causing mischief, just to cope.


Classes had just ended and Harry had a stressful day, he had told Ron who thankfully didn't seem to care but did make a small fuss about it being Malfoy of all people. He had classes, but what stressed him out the most was when Snape pulled him aside after Double Potions with the Slytherins.


Harry let himself be pulled into an empty classroom by Snape, after reassuring his friends he'd be fine.

       "Mr.Potter, I am aware the you are the mate of my godson and also his submissive. If you feel hurt or are hurt go straight to me or Poppy. Draco has a time stamp to officiate the bond between you two, if it doesn't happen in that time stamp you will go through immense pain. I am only to inform you of this, now off you go."

He then strode out the classroom with his robes billowing behind him leaving a shell-shocked Harry watching him leave.

~Present Time~

Harry was to deep in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that he was left alone at the table until Draco's scent was nearer.

"Harry we should go now, it probably will only take a bit of our time. I hope you don't mind," Harry nodded swiftly and stood quickly almost falling, " Merlin, my kitty can't land on his feet." Harry flushed a shade of rich red which pleased Draco thoroughly.

Draco picked up his kitty - his kitty - bridal style and walked out of the castle gates, activated the portkey, and arrived to the apperation platforms in Diagon Alley. Harry and Draco swiftly made their way to Gringotts since there was still fear of being spotted by Death Eaters and reporters. They rushed through the doors of Gringotts and headed to the front desk.

"Heir Malfoy, Lord Potter, I see you have arrived for your meeting with Griphook," they nodded,"Griphook is just behind that door."

The head goblin pointed to a dark oak door behind the desk, they walk towards it and enter.

"Ahh, Heir Malfoy and Lord Potter, glad you could come, sit down, this should only take a few minutes," Griphook stated and we sat down and the meeting started.


Severus had just informed the headmaster and scowled at the memory.


"Now Severus, remember our bet you owe me 50 Galleons!"

The old mans eye's had a twinkle to them and a smirk on his aged face.


He couldn't believe he lost that stupid bet with the old man.


Snape sighed and headed for his quarters only to stop in the doorway. He found Draco holding a sleeping Harry in his arms.

"Draco, it's past curfew," Draco nodded in acknowledgment, "why are you here?"

Draco retold what happened at the Gringotts meeting, finding out that they had an early inheritance, taking glamours off Harry that were placed when his inheritance happened, how Draco had glamours taken off too. Severus listened and nodded, he ushered the boys to a spare bedroom and left without a word to the headmasters office. Severus knew what would happen next and they needed a way to prevent others from doing it, he rode the stairs up to the headmasters office and knocked. This was going to be a long year.


I know it's shitty but I like it. I need to figure out what happens next. I also can write a seperate fluff scene to fill the gap. Whadya think?

What Lovely Ears You Have {ON HOLD}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें