A Downhill Spiral

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This is is just a question before the chappie but I wanna ask if y'all wanna make Dumbles a goodie or a badie?
Thx bai.
-P.S Snape is very flamboyant-


       Harry woke up being unable to move, but the arms around him were familiar as well as the scent coming from the person. Draco's scent was intoxicating, it smelt of expensive herbal tea, morning dew, and the quidditch pitch. His mind was telling him to get up while his body wanted to stay with his Dragon. He was having an internal debate while Draco began to stir.

  "Morning Kitten" Draco mumbled.

  "Morning Dragon" Harry whispered, looking into the stormy grey eyes of the boy holding him.

"Let's get dressed, and I'll put up a glamour for your scars if you want." Draco stated carefully.

"Yes! I can finally wear short sleeves!" Harry whisper-shouted excitedly.

Draco chuckled and got up to use the bathroom first. Harry was looking for short sleeved tops, he found a girls uniform given to him by the twins as a joke. He grinned and put it aside and went to the bathroom. Draco was just fixing his hair when Harry started to undress. Draco flushed and looked away, he didn't look back until he heard the curtains close. Draco sighed somewhat relieved and disappointed. He went to change and saw a girl's uniform lying on Harry's side of the bed, chuckling to himself he made sure to go shopping for feminine clothes for Harry.

   Harry stepped out of the shower and dried his hair. He walked out of the bathroom and went to put on his uniform. The uniform fit quite nicely, the grey skirt reaching his knees, the socks just below them. The dress shirt was a little loose, Harry went to his dresser and pulled out a green ribbon and tied it in his hair. He pulled his hair into a small bun since after the visit to Gringotts his hair was no longer unruly but smooth and reached past his shoulders. He smiled and walked out to the common room and stopped at the door, he was facing the table where Severus and Draco were staring at him.

   "D-Do you like it?" Harry asked shyly.

   "Oh Kitten you're adorable!" Draco exclaimed, eyeing him up and down.

   "You look great, but do come to us if you're being bullied about your choice of clothing." Snape agreed.

   Harry smiled and sat down with them to eat. They chatted for a bit then went up to their first classes. Harry and Draco's classes had been re-arranged so that they were together all the time.

~Time skip from a very late Drarry Christmas~

Harry was uncomfortable during lunch. The twins were ecstatic when they saw Harry wearing the prank uniform they got him. The stares, the whispers, the odd looks were not doing good things to Harry. He decided then to stand up walk across the Great Hall, go to the Slytherin table and sit on Draco's lap. Harry snuggled into his warmth and then started to breakdown, he cried silently but Draco and Severus could tell. Draco lifted Harry up and walked out of the Great Hall sending cold glares at everyone.
Sev's POV

   He excused himself from the Head Table and sent the most withering glare on the entire student population. Swiftly exiting the Great Hall he found Draco holding and comforting Harry. Severus reached out and touched his shoulder softly and guided them to his chambers. Walking through the portrait his heart clenched painfully at the sight before him. Harry was crying and Draco was trying his best to comfort his little mate, Draco had started to cry as well when Harry shared what happened that day.

"Harry," Snape said, Harry turned his head swiftly to look at him," We don't care what you look like or what you wear, we still love you the same."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise at his statement, then smiling softly he nodded and and buried his face back into Draco's robes. Snape went to the teachers to tell them that Harry and Draco were excused from classes for the rest of the day. He then went to teach the rest of his classes.

--Time skip from Snape's questionable sexuality--

Classes ended and Severus returned to the two boys who had slithered into his life. He smiled as he found them both asleep in their room. He went to wash up and ready himself for bed. 'When will I find my mate?' The thought came to him when he was laying in his bed, he hadn't found his mate/mates(?) yet and his vampire self was getting lonely. He loved Lily Evans, but as a sister and friend, he ruined that bond with the bad influences in his life. He went to sleep uneasy and sad.

Could y'all help me decide who Snarky bat's mate/mates should be? Already existing or made up is up to you. Btw what do you think Snapey is.. a top or a bottom?
Signing out (for now)

-P.S sorry it's short-

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