A Day to Themselves

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Harry's POV

Harry woke up groggily. He was tired and yawned loudly before prying out of Draco's vice grip. Slowly but surely making his way through his morning routine, he lazily pulled on some shorts and a baggy graphic tee tucking it in slightly. Entering the common room he could see that Sev decided to sleep in, he smiled. He went to the kitchen and started cooking up a storm. With the Dursley's cooking and cleaning was a chore but when Harry wanted to, it was a hobby that he loved to do. He hummed a song and swayed his hips and continued with cooking.

Severus' POV

Severus awoke with a yawn and a cat-like stretch. He looked at his clock and saw that he had slept in by an hour, he cursed under his breath and went to get ready. Struggling to quickly put on some clothes after showering. He rushed to get to the kitchen to start cooking but he stopped at the dining table when he took in the scene before him. Harry, cooking, with such ease and experience, without magic. He was working with two pans at once and there was something in the toaster which he caught with perfect precision on a plate while he flipped the bacon. He was humming what sounded like the ABBA song "When I Kissed The Teacher". He watched the spectacle, thinking of how long it must've taken to perfect all of this (he scowled inwardly on who may have "helped" to achieve this level of cooking), not even he was that good yet. He watched as he cooked the eggs, one cooked yolk sunny side up (for Draco), and two runny yolk sunny side ups and placed them on their respective plates. Harry turned around to put the dirty dishes in the sink and he squeaked when he saw Severus.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here." Harry said sheepishly as he grabbed all three plates, ALL AT ONCE, and carried them to the table. He disappeared into the kitchen and came out with 2 cups of juice and a cup of coffee with one cream and no sugar just how he liked it. He placed it in the middle and took his seat, Sev followed suit still in awe and shock at the spectacle he witnessed. He rose from his thoughts when fingers were snapped in front of him. He heard Harry giggling at him.

"Sev? Why are you so shocked? Didn't think I could cook because I suck at potions did ya! Well I'll have you know that I can boil water without it burning thank you very much." Harry said, covering his mouth to keep in his giggles (failing to do so). Sev shook his head with a wry smile.

"You, Hadrian Potter, are full of surprises." He said exasperatedly. Harry sent him a lopsided grin.

"I try my best." He said with a puffed up chest. He swore to himself that the boy was half Slytherin.

They ate with small banter, soon Draco had woken up and completed their weird family breakfast. It was Sunday and the two decided to study and finish assignments before school starts tomorrow. Severus decided to do his work as well. Entering his lab, he sat down at his table in the farthest corner and started grading essays.

~~ ~~ ~~

He had a migraine. Does nobody have an ounce of knowledge to be competent at potions. His scowl darkened as he glared at the stack of sheets he had marked and given none a passing grade say a select few (though that pile was much much smaller). He sighed and pinched his nose bridge, he needed a break and it wasn't even lunch. He doubted Draco would approve of him drinking before the afternoon as it was not healthy, so instead he opted for potions. He stood with grace and made his way to the organized mess of his work station. He decided to continue the experiment he was working on during Wednesday's break.

This brought a small smile to his face.


Draco's POV

He sighed as he leaned back into the chair. He had been working on assignments since breakfast and it was getting to him. He needed to do something, he needed to move. He watched his mate as he sat straight with a grace he hadn't held before his inheritance. He announced he would be going out, kissed Harry's temple (which made him blush, making Draco feel very proud), and left the private quarters. He walked the halls aimlessly, enjoying the scenery and the feeling of moving. Walking these halls would never get old. The pictures and ghosts always had something new to say, secret passages just lay waiting to be discovered, and the style of the place felt like something out of a fairytale.

Draco bumped into the youngest male Weasel and Granger. They had truced for Harry's sake so he guessed it couldn't be helped to run into them.

"Granger, Weasley." He greeted politely  making his way past before someone gripped his shoulder.

"Wait Malfoy, uh, we wanted to ask. How's Harry?" Granger asked with the same polite tone. They both knew they were only talking for Harry.

"He's doing well, he's particularly happy after shopping yesterday. If you wish to hang out with him you'll have to knock on Severus' chambers, it's the portrait of Salazar Slytherin you won't miss it." He informed the pair and went on his way without a glance back.

Before he knew where he was going he found himself at the empty quidditch pitch. He smiled, he loved flying, it was one of his coping mechanisms. He grabbed his broom from the Slytherin's changing room and took off. He felt the air in his hair, how light he felt, the sun shining on his face.

This would never get old.

Harry's POV

He groaned in frustration. After his inheritance he saw no use in playing down his intelligence, he excelled in all his subjects now, but in potions especially. He stared at his essay helplessly before getting up and deciding to bother Severus. He sneaked quietly to the lab and slipped in without a sound.

"Oh Severus~" Harry cooed from behind him and ducked and backed away from the startled man. He was given a glare before being ignored.

"Hello kitty." Sev bit back, with mock malice as he stirred the bubbling cauldron.

Harry smiled and sprawled himself on Sev's office chair earning himself a look. He chuckled quietly. They sat in silence before he got bored again.

"Seevvvvv, I'm boreeeeed." He announced loudly, he wanted to do something, nothing better than messing with his favourite dungeon bat (that implies that there's more than one.... :0).

"Then bother someone else you impish brat, I'm brewing a potion." He drawled out, lacking the usual ice. Harry smiled at the difference in the tones in private and public affairs. He sighed dramatically and left, not missing the rolling eyes of one Severus Snape. He'd find someone else to bother. Just then there was a knock at the door, he opened it slowly before he was enveloped in a bone-crushing hugs.

"Mione y're 'urting me" he choked out, and he was released just as quickly. Hermione apologized profusely as he lead her and Ron out of Snape's quarters.

"What're y'all doing here?" And was given an incredulous stare. Ron spoke this time with his trademark grin.

"D'you need a reason to see your best mates?" He poked fun at Harry and they all laughed lightly. They spent the rest of Sunday together just enjoying each others company. They walked outside near the Black Lake poking at the Giant Squid and just, being teenagers.

Oh, how he missed this.

??? POV

I think this will suffice. The plans are set then. The date, the time, the place. All prepared and ready. He hoped it would work out perfectly. A slightly crazed smile graced the pale aristocratic face. He paced in his home office as he went over his plans the millionth time. He just hoped Severus would like it. Tom helped him with the details, you wouldn't believe how much of a romantic he is. He rolled his eyes at the thought. Yes, thought Lucius Malfoy, he was quite the romantic.

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