Part 23- July 20th

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I'm 19! I'm currently laying down in my room I spend the night with Sung-Oh sometimes but not last night we sorta got in a stupid argument. It was how he always pees out the motherfuckin toilet bowel.

I got up and checked my closet to see what I'm going to wear. I found this outfit that I bought few months ago, it was so good of an outfit so I bought even though I had to fight a lady for it but yet here we are.


I laid it down on my bed and grabbed my shower sandals and my towels I got naked in my room wrapping the towel around my body to cover my parts

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I laid it down on my bed and grabbed my shower sandals and my towels I got naked in my room wrapping the towel around my body to cover my parts. I brushed my wavy hair and set down my black hair brush down on my desk. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I like my showers warm.

After I finished showering I go to his room to find him sleeping in the floor. This kids always falls, I let him be and changed in the outfit. I put on lotion and perfume and chapstick curled my eyelash a bit. Tied my hair in a ponytail leaving two strands out.

I out on black socks, grab my converse out my shoe rack at set the shoes on the doorway to be ready when I leave. I went into the kitchen to cook some pancakes for me and him. I cooked them with eggs with sausage. Amazing taste. I sat down and took a break before going into his room to find him about that matched mine, at least tried.


I folded it and set it on his desk and woke him up

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I folded it and set it on his desk and woke him up.

Y/n- Babe, wake up.

He groaned and tried to kick me. I swear he's a big baby.

I took his cover of his body as he curled in a ball as a result.

Y/n- fine, I'm leaving.

He got up so fast and took of his shirt and shirt leaving him in boxers and rushed to the bathroom, i heard the water running and I laughed as I took a seat in the living room couch.

He came out with my towel wrapped around his waist with his hair all wet.

Y/n- dry your hair inside the bathroom it's going to get water on floor if you dry it out here.

He wants back inside and dried his hair, and he rushed and added lotion to his body and cologne. He changed into his out I picked out, I told to use white socks with his converse. He nodded and grab his converse off his shoe rack and lined along with my shoes in our doorway. He styled his hair like this 👇.

He ate his food and brushed his teeth with me

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He ate his food and brushed his teeth with me. He smiled and then gave me a ring. I knew what it was but it's a different one from what I picked.

Sung-Oh- i know you chose a different one but this one is a promise ring that I'll treat you correctly and respect you.

Y/n- thank you babe, I'm going to be wearing three rings from you.

Sung-Oh - we have a shoot since it's your birthday. They want to put you in the cover.

Y/n- Let's go but first let's take a picture for my story.

I got my phone and opened the camera app he kissed my cheek as I took the photo. I smiled at the picture and posted it with a red heart.

I walked to the doorway and took of my slides and out on my shoes Sung-Oh did the same. We hopped in the car and told our personal driver where to take us.

As we arrived paparazzi flooded that way, I sighed.

Sung-Oh- what's wrong? Is it the pictures? 

Y/n- yeah...


Everyone just came closer and security stepped in and pushed the off the pathway. It's the thought that matters...

We went in and took the photos for my birthday shoot. We left and he took me shopping although I didn't want anything. We dropped the bags in the car and went to a near by restaurant and we ate.

Y/n- thank you for thi-

I got interrupted by someone, I look up to see Iwaizumi with Torū and Ushijima... I froze.

Y/n- thank you for this baby.

Sung-Oh- no problem baby.

He got up and with a loud voice he said " guys please record this me and my girlfriend that are models are ready!

I was shocked and confused by his words and then I remember...

I turn my head to my right to see the boys looking at me confused...

Sung-Oh got down in one knee, I got up and covered my mouth.

Sung-Oh- Y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?

At this point flashes are on us and he went live. I remembered what his father said.

Y/n- I-

Ushijima- No.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out, or tried but Sung-Oh stopped him.

Y/n- let's talk about this after okay?

Y/n- YES! I'll marry you...

Ushijima looked at me as in a way " why are you doing this?"

Why me...? Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant