Part 20- don't tell me it's her?!

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As I was getting escorted back to the car I told them to stop the car. Once they did two male figures come out and both looking familiar.

Guard- ma'am here's the people...

Y/n- thank you.

They turn around and I back up... since it's been awhile since I saw them.

Y/n- U-ushijima....

Ushijima- y/n...

Tendō- oyi I'm here too...

Guard- ma'am we have to hurry, he's coming back.

Y/n- okay please tell him I'm going somewhere....

Guard- you can't.... if you do the chairman will send the whole policy to look for you.

Y/n- okay. Just distract him.

Y/n- how are you guys?

Tendō- we are good still doing volleyball.

Ushijima- and you?

Y/n- oh well tomorrow I have a photo shoot with Sung- Ho.

Tendō- who's he?

Y/n- he's my—

Sung- Ho- love, is there and issue we are going to be late.

Y/n- no love, these just told me they liked my dress.

Sung-Ho- oh really, did you say thanks since it's Dior.

Y/n- i did love, let's get going..

Y/n- bye!

We left to meet with his friends, I was honestly scared of seeing them again... I hope I don't see oikawa or Iwaizumi.... I'm not ready for those two.

2 weeks later...

I haven't heard from Tendō or ushijima. My modeling career is successful thanks to Sung-Ho, right now it's 9am and I have a interview.

My makeup stylist arrived she did my makeup and hair. I changed into this 👇.

Sung- Ho picked me up and he drove me to the place, once we got there we both took a seat

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sung- Ho picked me up and he drove me to the place, once we got there we both took a seat.

The interview started,

Interviewer- Good morning Korea, today we have Ha-Eun Oikawa and Sung-Ho Park both models.

Interviewer- how are you Ha-Eun?

Y/n- I'm excellent very excited to be here, thank you for having me.

Interviewer- that's good to hear thank you for having us. Mr. Park?

Sung-Ho- I'm very well.

Interviewer- we have a few questions from your fan. First question, Ms. Oikawa are you related to the Takagi the model and the famous volleyball player?

Y/n- No comment. I'm sorry but if you don't mind not asking questions about my parents.

Interviewer- oh, I'm sorry let's move on to Mr.Park, Mr.Park is it true your dating Ms.Oikawa?

Sung-Ho- yes I am.

Interviewer- for how many months?

Sung-Ho- we've been dating for 6 months she first moved in as my roommate but after she told me she wanted to join the modeling career I helped her and well I fell in love...

Interviewer- aww...

1 hour later...

Y/n- I'm so tired!

Sung-oh- me too but we got a commercial to shot both of actually a coke commercial.

Y/n- after that?

Sung- oh after you got a photo shoot and then we need to fly to Japan for a sports commercials we have 3 for sports. Then I'm hosting the high school awards and your the guest.

Y/n- i- high school for mid-terms?

Sung-Ho- yeah, for sports.

Y/n- the whole Japan high schools are going?

Sung-Ho- yes.

After all that we arrived to Japan..... o haven't been here in 7 months.

Why me...? Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin