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It's Christmas Eve, and I don't know how to begin explaining what's going on. 

First, I woke up to snow outside. After living on an island with only hot and rainy weather, seeing snow is a breath of cool air. Literally. 

We ate a quick warm breakfast then ran outside to play in the snow. Lita's still recovering, her body still weak. But as we played through snowball fights, she seemed to be stronger than ever. 

We made a snowman that looked nothing like Olaf, built a little bunny cave for the nonexistent bunny, and made some snow angels. 

For lunch, lola made some more Filipino dishes to remind us of our other home. And then we continued decorating, preparing for some grand dinner to be hosted in the dining room and on our back porch. 

While decorating, the doorbell rang, and dad came in with a big box. He left the box on the porch, right beside the ladder I was standing on to fix some falling Christmas lights. 

After fixing the lights, I sat down on the porch swing and opened the box that had been properly wiped and cleaned. I smiled, knowing that mom still took precautions with everything due to the virus still going around. 

I opened it slowly and gasped at the special gifts inside. Letters. 

I'm still sitting on the porch, reading letters from old and new friends, talking about this new organization and mission we've started. I'm really grateful for the local friends I have and how they helped spread the news here and all across America. Roger helped a lot too. 

But warmed my heart the most were the letters coming from Filipinos, both those who supported us and those who we helped. I read through the cards from children, including a girl's cute handwriting, thanking me for the wrapped doll that she's now playing with. 

It isn't even Christmas day yet, but I'm already feeling the Christmas 'spirit.'

I watch the sunset on the swing on our porch, my younger siblings playing in the snow again while my parents and lola prepare dinner. The words from all these letters stay in my heart and I feel like breathing in the cold air is like breathing in the peace, joy, and gratitude I feel. 

"Perla, it's time for you three to get ready. Do you mind helping your siblings?" Mom asks, peeking through the back door. 

"I don't mind, mom." I reply, standing. I walk over to my siblings, grab some snow, and through one snowball at each of their jackets. 

"Come on, you two." I say, a big smile on my face. 

They try to get me back, but I'm already on the porch, grabbing the letterbox. 

I feel a cold snowball on my cheek and playfully glare at Lita. "Oh, you're so gonna regret that. I'm going to put you in the fanciest dress you'll ever wear, you'll have to sit like a lady the entire night and wait until tomorrow morning to open all your presents."

Her jaw drops then she rolls her eyes. "No fair. I want to open them at midnight." 

I shrug, laughing softly.  "Well, if you help me bring this box to my room, we may be able to compromise."

She eagerly takes some letters and carries them gently in her arms. 

"What can I do?" Sammy asks. 

"Are you asking genuinely or do you want something in return too?" I ask with a tease.

"Uh..." he shrugs. 

"You can carry this box and I'll find a smaller gift you can open before midnight." I say with a wink. 

He eagerly takes the box and my two baby siblings head to my room while I head into Lita's. I go through her closet and pick out the perfect ladylike dress. It could be a ball gown if the design  was for me. 

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