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Elijah and Melissa Guerrez pace their house's living room.

"We should've convinced ma to come here. We took too long waiting. It's been a year since pa died and we should've let them come here sooner." Melissa whispers over and over again.

Elijah tries to calm his wife down. "Mel, mom wanted to stay and let the kids experience a country life. The doctors said it would help Lita too."

"I know. And it did. But what about now?" She asks, not directing it towards her husband but to the empty space.

She could've given up work to care for Lita here in New York. But that would've cost a lot more. They should've convinced ma to come after six months. They could move to the countryside like in Colorado.

But Perla insisted they stay to let lola grieve and at the same time help them and Lita learn the Filipino life.

The doorbell rings, startling Melissa out of her thoughts.

"I'll get it, Mel. You sit down." Elijah says to his wife, hurrying to the front door.

He walks back in with Roger.

Melissa looks up in surprise. "Roger, is something wrong?"

Roger takes a deep breath. "Well, kind of. I got to talk to Perla today."

Elijah and Melissa look at each other. "Where are our phones?"

"Before you search for your phones," Roger says with an understanding smile, "let me explain."

Elijah motions for them to sit down.

"Jessica was talking to Perla when I heard her name and talked to her myself. She explained their situation. They're currently in an evacuation center. It took a week before they were rescued. She's also worried for her lola and Lita." Roger starts off. "I told her that I'm going there and that I'd bring you both with me."

"Roger, we have a flight booked for tomorrow." Elijah says.

Roger nods. "And I got on the same flight, upgrading your tickets to first class."

Melissa looks at him, shocked. "Roger, dear, you don't have to do that."

Roger shakes his head. "I did and I'd do it again. For Perla, and for your family. So if it's okay with you guys, you can pack what you need and bring it to our place where you can spend the night. It's nearer to the airport and it'll be faster for us if we were already together."

Melissa hugs Roger and Elijah joins the group hug.

"Also, Mr. and Mrs, Guerrez, I was wondering..." Roger explains his plan to them, their eyes widening in surprise and joy.

He opens a small bag and Melissa claps in excitement. "Let's go!"

Husband and wife finalize their packing and the extra luggage they'll bring for their children and Elijah's mom.

In an hour, they're ready and enjoy the ride to the Hope's house.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Hope. You do bring much hope." Elijah greets their hosts.

They share hugs. "In this time, it's hard to keep hope to yourself. Come on in. We've been trying to get ahold of Perla. Sadly, the nurse couldn't find her in the sea of people. We'll have to get there fast."

"We?" Melissa asks, turning to Mrs. Hope. She smiles.

"We're coming too. We informed Jessica and the staff. Our company is also donating food and money to the victims of this flood. But for us, we want to be there personally. A team for a medical drive leaves on the flight after us." Mrs. Hope gives Melissa a knowing nod.

"I do hope Lita's alright. I can't imagine what she's been feeling or going through." Melissa admits. Mrs. Hope gives her good friend and trusted employee, a hug.

"We'll be there soon." She whispers.

The Guerrez's stay the night at the Hope's. Early the next morning they head to the airport and board their seven a.m. flight to Manila.

Six hours after takeoff, their pilot makes an announcement.

"Good day, passengers. Due to some unforeseen weather circumstances, we will have to make a stopover at Singapore." His voice announces over the silence of the plane.

"Layover?" Melissa whispers to her husband.

He puts his hand over hers, gripping hers tightly. "We'll make it. They'll be alright."

They arrive in Singapore and wait on the plane for further instructions.

"You will be placed in hotels for the night. Hopefully, we'll see you onboard for tomorrow's flight. If the weather to the Philippines is okay." The pilot announces.

Melissa looks at Elijah with wide eyes. "Does that mean there's another storm?"

His lips stay in a grim line but his eyes are full of hope. "We'll make it." He breaks out a smile for his worried wife. "They'll make it."

The Hopes, seated in front of them listen in on their conversation.

Roger turns back and smiles at the Guerrez's. "They're tough. We'll see them soon, okay? In the mean time, let's have faith."

"Faith." Melissa whispers. "Right."

The word mama would use to remind them of the hope their future had. When Lita was diagnosed, mama said to have faith. It was hard, but they made it through, with faith.

But it's been a while since they've thought of "having faith".

"Faith. Let's have faith, hon." Melissa whispers to her husband.

He nods and they get ready to move their things into the hotel.

An hour later, the two families are in their rooms, wondering what's really going on in the Philippines.

Elijah and Melissa try placing calls to those they know, but nothing.

Roger worries over Perla and her younger siblings. His parents worry about their team and all their equipment they've been planning to use to help the victims.

They all fall asleep with two words on their mind.

Have faith.

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