Barbatos: My lord, should I pack your bags for you?

Diavolo: no need, I already got it on the carriage with me

You: EEEK! I'm going to pack now

Lucifer: Well, excuse me I'm gonna pack my things now.

Every one had gone to their room to pack, you take your favorite (fav color) colored suitcase. Packed all the things you need, you change to black corduroy, white turtle neck, black blazer and white boots with gold shoelaces. Pair it off with white and gold mini bag, you know it's snowing right now in human world. You go back to common room bringing suitcase with you.Minutes later everyone and I mean everyone has arrived at common room.

Mammon: Why you dressed like you're going to the Himalaya, and isn't that Lucifer's blazer

You: it's snowing right now in human world

Lucifer: Wow Y/N

You: I took your blazer

Lucifer: it's okay, I've been looking forward to this

You: you mean you wanted to see me in your blazer?

Lucifer: I do

You: psst careful Lord Diavolo might be jealous

Diavolo: Ahh look who decided to talk about me behind my back

Lucifer: Diavolo- we're just-

Diavolo: I'm just kidding! Ahahahahaha you should see your face when I said that

Mammon: when are we going? I'm excited!!

Diavolo: is everybody ready?? We're going now

All except Asmo: ready!!

Diavolo: Asmo?

Asmo: I don't know which suitcase I should bring with me😭

You: of course..

Time skip at the human worldWe spawned in a restaurant, no one was really there except us. I look around and saw a familiar face I remember who it was, it was my uncle!


"Huh? OH Y/N!!"

You guys ran to each other and hugged, your uncle looks at the boys way. You let go the hug and rant about how much you miss him


Uncle: hahaha chill out kid, what you're yelling for. I've been good, ah who is this boys and girl?

You: *giggle* they're all boys, but they're the nicest boys I've ever socialize with

Luke: not them tho point finger at the demon brothers

Simeon: Luke that's not very angel-like of you

Uncle: You live with them?

You: yeah

Uncle: Did you go to school?

You: yeah, do not worry I'm the honorary student there too

Mammon: show off

Uncle: what's the school name?

You: RAD or Royal Academy Diavolo or whatever you wanna say it

Uncle: Oh okay

You: How's restaurant without me?

Uncle: The customers keep asking where you are, I guess they missed your cooking

You: really? I thought it was shit

Uncle: No, in fact one customer didn't even give the meatballs a single bite. And she never came again 

You: how about I cook here for the last time and serve customers, yeah go tell the followers of this restaurant that I'll be cooking for the last time on insta

Marcus: on it!

You: eyy Marcus how have you been my guy

You took off your blazer and tie your hair, the others sit on the big long dining table. You put on 

the apron and greeted the others too, they were happy you're back. The customers were running up to the restaurant, one almost fell. The orders start coming up, and you started cooking.

Time skip

it's currently 00:37 and the restaurant already closed. You were exhausted, your uncle looks at you with a big grin on his face. You smile back to him, he goes to the cashier counter and take some money from the register. He give you the money, you try to reject at first but he insisted. You put on your blazer and the others had been waiting for you, you said your goodbyes to the staffs and your uncle with tears in your eyes. 

You, Asmo, and Simeon do facials in Asmo's room and sing all thru the night. Diavolo came in and joined. You guys stay 3 days at your hometown and had visited many wonderful places, now you guys just had to summon yourselves at Paris.

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