Chapter 14

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Stream will be back guys, I promise. He's my fav too :)

The kits instinctively curl up at her side, and I let them sleep even though it's sunrise. I head out of the cave to collect some herbs for the long trip back to the clan. I need to grab some chamomile for the journey and juniper berries to calm Lilypaw down. I have no idea how she's going to react to Stream's disappearance, so its better to be safe than sorry. Knowing her boldness and stubbornness, she wont let it get to her, but its better to be safe than sorry. 

I head into the forest and taste the air to try and find some. No luck, though. I keep walking and cross paths with a faint scent of Stream. I just can't believe that he left her just like that. She is such a special cat and too precious to lose. I realize I have stumbled into a patch of chamomile and begin to pick some leaves, but I forgot to get a leaf wrap. I spit the leaves back out and feel the ground with my whiskers to find a leaf large enough to carry the chamomile. 

I catch a strong scent of Stream and hope that I can talk him into coming back with us. But suddenly, moments of me and Lilypaw hanging out together when she was a kit come flashing back to me. All the times we went on moonhigh walks. All the times she came in and played with Briarlight. All the times she got on my nerves and I shooed her away. If Stream were to join, all those times would end. And I know I don't want that. 

I keep on looking and finally find a leaf big enough to wrap everything in. I start to head back when I hear a cat walking behind be. But, with the leaf in my mouth, I can't scent who it is. I drop the leaf and turn around hissing, only to find Stream.

"Sorry Stream,  I couldn't scent you through my leaf. What are you still doing here?" I ask him, dreading what he could say.

"Um- I was just wondering how Lilypaw is doing. You know, with me leaving and all," he drags his paw in the dirt, and I can tell that he is anxiously awaiting an answer. 

I know that if I tell him the wrong answer that he will come back, and I have decided that's not what I want. But if I tell him that he crushed her heart will he come back? And if he comes back will Lilypaw even want to see him? But if I lie and say that she doesn't care, and she finds out I did that, she will hate me.

"She is crushed, but she will get over it in time. Soon she will be back with her family and this will all be a distant memory," I mew quickly, hoping that did the trick. 

"You're right. She needs to forget about me, because I can't come back. You were always the one for her," he mews and bounds away, leaving me stunned. I shrug it off and pick up my leaf again, heading back in the direction of my herbs. 

While I pad there, I think about what Stream said right before he left. What did he mean by I was always the one for her? I could tell that she really liked Stream. I felt what she felt when she looked at him. I wish I  was able to know how she feels about me.

I wrap the chamomile in the leaf and carry it back to the den to store for tomorrow's journey. When I get back to the den I hear Lilypaw grooming herself. I drop the leafwrap outside and head in. 

"Hey. how are you feeling?" I ask cautiously. I hear her sigh and I know I chose the wrong greeting.

"I'm fine Jayfeather, honestly. I'm not a kit anymore. If I were in the clans, I'd be getting ready for my warrior testing. That reminds me- I want to leave for the clans today. I want to get back as soon as possible. I miss everybody," she mews and I just stand there.

"Well, I guess I won't be needing the juniper berries then," I think out loud, not meaning to. I can practically hear the steam coming out of her ears, and I can feel her annoyance and anger bubbling up. 

"You just don't know me, do you? I thought that maybe the one person who would understand me the most would know what to say to me. I thought you would know that I don't need any fox-dung berries!" She explodes with anger and I am taken aback.

"What do you mean I would understand you the most? How would you know how I feel? You don't. You will never know what it's like finally finding the cat you've been missing the most and realizing she's replaced you with another cat. Having to witness the cat you adore disappear right in front of you! You will never know my pain," I end with a growl and come to my senses. The kits are up and watching me. I feel their gazes on my pelt.

"I- I don't understand. I thought you went through the same thing with Half Moon..."

"I never loved her. And I certainly never liked her as much as..." I trail off hoping that she doesn't catch on.

"As much as who?" she inquires and I shake my head, leaving the cave to grab the chamomile. 

I hear Shimmerkit ask "What's wrong with Jayfeather?" and Lilypaw shush him but I ignore it. I scoop up the leaves and bring them inside and start to divvy them up. I push two leaves to each of the kits and four to Lilypaw. 

"Ew, what is this?" I hear Willowkit mew with disdain. 

"It's chamomile, and you two are going to eat it before the journey. It will help to keep your strength up so we can go farther faster, okay?" I will them to agree with me, but I'm out of luck.

"Yuck. I'm not eating these!" Shimmerkit exclaims and I feel my patience snap.

"Well if you don't eat them I'm leaving you here. You'll have to hunt and fend for yourselves. Is that what you want?" I ask them, and I hear them lapping up the leaves.

"Okay everyone, are we ready to go?" Lilypaw asks and I hear the kits jump up. "Let's get going, and we'll hunt along the way!" 

We step out of the cave and she turns towards me. "Jayfeather, do you know how to get home?"

Jayfeather's CurseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora