Chapter 4

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As we walk back to camp, we stop along the way to collect herbs while we're out. I just hope Dovewing isn't too frantic when she notices I'm gone, if she does at all!  I sneer to myself.

"Hey, what's that face for?" Jayfeather asks around a mouthful of herbs.

"Nothing," I mumble, but my muffled answer doesn't satisfy him.

"Tell me or I'm going to make you eat all these herbs I've gathered," He snaps, and I clearly get the message that he's serious and annoyed. I spit out my herbs.

"Ugh, fine. It's just that Dovewing's been kind of preoccupied with Stormkit, and Rosekit is always playing with Jinglekit and Tulipkit! I'm always left out of the family, and yes I have Hollykit, Mintkit and Sharpkit, but they're not family, you know? It's always different when cats are your family. You feel more loved when you play with them. I'm just glad I have you and Briarlight. You've been more like family to me then my actual family has," I finish, and thrust my muzzle into Jayfeather's side. "You guys are the very best." He licks my head like a father and I purr.

"Well I'm glad. But we better get you back to camp before anyone notices you're missing. You don't wanna scare Dovewing again!" He mews, and I pick up my herbs and scamper after him. We silently pad into camp to see the camp deserted and everyone still in their nests. "Come with me so we can sort the herbs in my den," he whispers and we jump up to the medicine den. I already know all the herbs we collected, so it was easy to sort them. After I finished, I realize Jayfeather didn't help one bit, just sat back and watched.

"Did I do okay?" I whisper, hoping I didn't accidentally mix up a few leaves.

"You sorted them perfectly, Lilykit. Are you sure you don't wanna be a medicine cat?" He asks, and all the confusion I felt before rushes back to me.


I feel all the confusion and hurt she once felt rush back to her. I wince at the feeling, and instantly regret asking her. But she has such a natural memory for herbs, and I don't want her talent to be wasted. She seems so at ease in the medicine den, and I hate to admit it, but I've taken a liking to the little kit. She seems too experienced for her few moons of life, and she could be giving the elders advice with her wisdom. She also Briarlight's best friend, and is one of the only people who treats her like she's normal. We could really use her in the medicine den, but she seems to have her heart set on being a warrior, and I can't argue.

"I can't! I need to be a warrior! I want to have a mate and kits, and I wanna live a happy life without the lives of my clanmates weighing down my shoulders!" She cries, a little too loudly. Briarlight stirs in her nest, calling out for Lilykit.

"Lilykit? Is that you?" She sleepily mumbles. "You have to go to bed or Dovewing will feed my pelt to the foxes..." she trails off as she drifts back to sleep. Lilykit giggles at the silliness, and I can't help but purr at the noise. It's been a long time since I've had a true laugh. With Leafpool out of the clan it's been difficult. I still can't believe the other clans drove her and Crowfeather out because that was giving them what they wanted. I hope they end up in Starclan wherever they are.

"Lilykit, you should probably get to bed. You don't want to be tired for your first day of apprenticeship tomorrow, now do you?" I ask, but know I shouldn't have when I feel her surprise and excitement.

"It's tomorrow?" She squeals, and I have to keep myself from cuffing her over the head for being so loud.

"Yes, and you will forget you ever heard that from me. Not it's time for bed, so off you go."

"Aww, but I don't wanna go back to the nursery! It's so crowded and stuffy in there. Can I stay in here with you tonight? Please?" She begs and puts on a pouty face, one that I cant resist.

"Okay, fine, but you're going to explain this one to your mother. She won't be happy when she  wakes up and finds you missing," I warn her, but of course she just brushes the idea away with  her tail.

"She won't even notice. She doesn't really worry about me much. She seems to have a feeling that I'm more mature than I seem. I don't know, it's just a feeling I get," she rambles, and again I am stunned by her choice of words. I push everything aside and climb into my nest, feeling a cold gust of air blow through my fur. I signal for her to follow me, and she darts over and nestles herself into my fur. I suddenly feel the need to protect her with all my power, and scent Yellowfang all around me.

"Remember who you are!" She hisses into my ear, and I flatten my ears at her.

"This is the first friend I've ever had in the clan besides Briarlight, so let me cherish her!" I hiss back, and Lilykit raises her head.

"What?" She asks groggily, and instantly feel bad for disturbing her.

"Nothing. Go back to bed, Lilykit. I'll wake you in the morning." Her breathing slows, and I the shallow breaths, meaning to walk in her dreams.

I open my eyes to see a luscious green forest and hear excited squeals. I head towards the sound and see her silver tabby fur shining through the undergrowth. Her head swivels around and I see her crystal blue eyes focus on me.

"Jayfeather! I didn't think I'd see you here!" She squeals and bounds over to me, then pauses. She turns back to grab her mouse and bounds back over to me. "I caught this mouse all my myself!" She exclaims proudly.

"That sure is a big one! It looks juicy too," I praise her, and confusion instantly clouds her gaze.

"You can see in your dreams?" She marvels, and my whiskers twitch.

"Yes, little one. You're so much bigger than when I last saw you. You were no more than a day old then!" I tell her, and look her over. She has definitely developed muscles that will come in handy when she begins to hunt and fight. She lost her kit fluff which is replaced with glossy fur that reflects the sunlight.

"Can you tell me some stories? It will be really fun! Tell me about your apprenticeship and Leafpool! I heard she was an amazing medicine cat. Tell me please!" She begs, and I can't help myself.

"Fine, but you have to promise you'll never repeat this to anyone ever again. Okay?" I mew in a serious tone, and her eyes widen in shock.

"Okay, I promise," she vows, and I can see she really means it.

"So it all started when..." I begin, and soon find myself immersed in the story. Now I see why the elders love it so much. Once I finish Lilykit looks shocked.

"Wow, you're so amazing! I wish I had a destiny half as special as yours. You're going to be a legend for moons! And I thought all those elder tales were all made up. Now I know they're true!" She mews, and everything begins to fade.

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