Chapter 8

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"Okay my loves, how are we going to do this?" I ask the kittens, knowing there will be no response. I look at our makeshift den in frustration. Its been a moon and the kittens are getting bigger and stronger, but they need a den to grow up in. I still need to figure out their names, too. I take a few steps back and glance at the den. It looks awful, and is probably going to fall down any second. I hear little squeals and glance behind me, glad to see the brother and sister wrestling around in the dirt. "Oh you goofy kits, what am I ever going to do with you?" I say, and they both jump up and dart towards me purring.

I look at them and love washes over me. I know it's only been a moon, but with their mother gone and no father coming to claim them, I feel like I have to protect them with my life. I guess I now know how my mother feels, and how much pain I am probably causing her right now. But I refuse to return to the clan until these kits are bigger and stronger. With Leafbare coming, I need a den for these kits to keep warm in.

"Come along little ones, it's time to go stick hunting!" I exclaim, and their little ears perk up. This is their favorite part of the day. I start walking and they wonder away in search for sticks. I find some bracken and drag it back to out makeshift den. They burst out of the bushes and drop little sticks at my paws. "Good job you two, I love these sticks! Can you now bring me some bracken like this? I need you two to work together for this one," I advise, and they nod their little heads and dash away. I start weaving the bracken into the walls, making sure to close up any little holes I see. I hear little mews and I duck outside to meet the kittens. When I see all the bracken they are carrying, I can't believe it.

"Wow! How did you manage to carry all that?" I ask in wonder, and they simply drop it and rush into the den. I pick up the bracken and carry it in after them. They settle beside my paws while I finish up the walls.

"Okay, it's time to sleep," I say. They both look up at me with pleading eyes. I know they want to stay up longer, but it's getting dark and they've had a long day. "I know I know, but you need your sleep. Come here."

Once they are comfortably nestled into my fur, I take a long look at them. They are the most beautiful kits I've ever seen. The little tom has a spirit, that's for sure. He has light orange fur on his back that gradually fades into white on his belly and paws. He has a white patch on his muzzle and mouth, and the deepest blue eyes ever. But the she-cat has peculiar markings. She is a dark orange with a white belly and paws. Her tail is white striped, and she has white spots all over her back and face. She has the ice blue eyes that both Applekit and Twinklekit have. I can't believe how much I miss the clan. Every night I try and reach out to Jayfeather, just to see if we can share a dream. I want to know how the clan is doing without me. These kits are my priority, and they will be stronger before we return, if we ever do.


"Dovewing, honestly, I'm not magic! I can't just randomly pop into other peoples' dreams! It's at the will of Starclan. It always has been." I hiss. Ever since Lilypaw disappeared, the clan has been in chaos trying to find her. Search parties have looked with no avail. It's like she simply disappeared, and I know that it was all my fault. If I hadn't fought with her that day, she definitely wouldn't have left. And I hate myself for it more and more every day, especially seeing the distress Briarlight and Dovewing are in. Hollypaw hasn't been the same since, and the whole clan is shaken up at her disappearance. She was a popular cat; everyone loved her. Dovewing whips around and darts out of the den. She has definitely taken it the hardest, especially since she lost her first litter. Lilypaw's disappearance has ripped open an otherwise healed wound. Every night I pray to Starclan to let me see into her dreams, at least I know she's safe. I didn't see her in Starclan at the last Moonpoool gathering, so I believe she's still alive. I settle into my nest, and listen for Briarlight's soft mewing. She still talks to Lilypaw as if she's in the den beside her. She has lost her best friend, and I know how she feels, because I have lost my best friend too.

I open my eyes and look around. I see a strange den, with moss and feathers scattered around. It smells strongly of cat scent, and I can barely distinguish the scents from one another. But once I do, I know who this den belongs to.

"Jayfeather!" I hear a cat joyously exclaim, and I whip around to see Lilypaw's shining eyes staring into mine. "Oh my Starclan, I've missed you so much! How is the clan doing? Is Hollykit an apprentice now? Is Briarlight improving? Please tell me!"

I am taken aback with how much she has matured in the short moon she was gone. She has grown stronger and seems much more responsible. "Did you build this den? And why haven't you come home to the clan yet? Do you know what you're doing to everyone? The clan hasn't been the same since you've left! Dovewing has been in and out of my den daily asking me to magic myself to you! Briarlight is quickly losing her grip and I don't know how much longer she will be here. Your littermates and Hollypaw haven't said more than three words since you have left. You have single-handedly ruined the clan," I spew, and am shocked to see the distress in her eyes as she crumbles into a heap on the moss.

"No Jayfeather, that was not supposed to happen! You all were supposed to be happy without me and live your lives like I didn't even exist!" She complains, and I begin to see red.

"What did you think was going to happen? You didn't even consider anyone else's feelings but yours! Everyone in the clan loves you! You broke your mother, your best friends, and your littermates. Dovewing refuses to talk to Bumblestripe, and they now hate each other. Countless search parties have been sent out to find a cat that apparently is too happy to come home. I guess I've lost the best friend I've ever had!" Lilypaw is too shocked to speak. This is the angriest she's ever seen me and it shows. Then I hear a little mew. I look down and see two little kits at her paws. I glance up at her in confusion.

"These little things are the reason I haven't returned yet," She explains. "I found them my first night out here, and have raised them ever since. If you can help me get them back home, I will return to the clan."

Then there was blackness.

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