Chapter 8

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It takes about thirty minutes to get to the parking lot where we are meeting up with the rest of the football players and their dates. "Now remember," North says. "All we want to do is get an idea of who the football players are talking to and get an idea of their possible connections."

I nod my head in understanding then add my own goals. "that might be y'all's only goals but I have one too," I inform them.

"Really," Silas asks genuinely curious.

"Yes," I twist my body and look back at him. "To get on the dance team."

"I thought you had to tryout at school," Silas says confused.

"Oh I will," I explain. "But I did a little research and found out that Ashley Waters hasn't really had a dance team since the Seniors who ran the squad graduated two years ago and the two girls who were going to be seniors moved. It left the team with no one who could lead so most of the girls opted for other sports." It floors me how a school with over two thousand students doesn't have enough people to form a dance team.

North glances at me, "so how do you expect to get on the team if they don't have one?"

"Come to find out there is a junior this year, Bailey, who is trying to bring it back but there has to be a minimum of eight girls to be considered an official school team," I explain. "I also did a little Facebook stalking and found out she is dating one of the football players. I figured I'd show off a little and maybe she will come to me," I grin knowingly.

When we pull up to the large cluster of cars in a parking lot Silas climbs out of the back and opens my door. I reach for the door so I can climb out of the Jeep and North gently grabs my arm and looks me in the eyes, "Listen, when we get to this party stick close to me or Silas, don't take food or drinks from anyone but us, and whatever you do don't leave your drink sitting anywhere."

I don't know if North is genuinely worried about me or worried if I'll be a hindrance in this mission but this seems to be really important to him so I reply simply yet sincerely, "I hear you. I promise I'll stay within eyesight at all times, I won't eat or drink anything that anyone else gives me and I won't leave my stuff laying around." He gives me a little nod then let's go of my arm.

Silas kindly takes my hand and helps me from the jeep then shuts the door behind me, "You ready for this?"

I chuckle a little, "Yes, I'm ready."

"And you're okay with the plan?"

I smile at the genuine look of concern on his face, "Yes, I'm good with pretending to be your date."

Silas takes me at my word and takes my small hand in his much bigger one and the three of us walk over to the large group.

When we reach the group a quick round of "hello" and fist bumps are given before, who I'm assuming is the leader of the group, gives a short rundown of how to get to the party. The guy is broad shouldered, with a deep raspy voice and clean cut brown hair and blue eyes, I get the strange feeling that I knew him but can't place him. Honestly, I was hoping he would explain why this little excursion was necessary at all but he doesn't. I guess its some unspoken knowledge of why a person would crash a party of someone they don't even go to school with. To me this doesn't make since but I guess nobody asked me. During his speech we lock eyes and something about the way he looks at me makes me uncomfortable. I don't know if North notices but he instinctively places a comforting hand on my back. With his touch the uncomfortable connection ends.

Not even ten minutes pass and we are headed to the party. We stop another five minutes down the road at a modern looking home on an acre-and-a-half lot in a cul-de-sac, and I finally understand what this could be about. Cars are lined up on both sides of the street for what seems like a block.

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