Chapter 3

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Sang's POV

Once I get myself together and am introduced to the remaining members of the Blackboren team; Kota, the hot nerd in a hunter green shirt that hides a muscular medium build, dark brown hair that I swears shines, and black rimmed glasses framing dark green eyes; Victor, the tech guru and piano prodigy who has eyes that can only be discribed as fire eyes, soft brown hair, with a strong build though a little slighter than Kota; and Luke, the super model with blond hair, playful brown eyes, and strong chin; Owen asks us all to take a seat so we can begin. I am forced to sit between Brandon and Axel on one couch while Corey, Marc, and Raven take the other.

"I believe you have all read the brief. As you all know, the Toma team has been looking into the drug Repo Mortem, also known as Rem." Owen begins to pace back and forth slowly as he takes us all in, almost like he's giving a lecture. "For those of you who don't know, it's a nasty little drug that can be used in various forms and dosages to receive different results. In its smallest amount, it can keep a person awake and focused. Some students have been using it when studying for big tests. A slightly higher dose will give a person a high much like marijuana, it can be smoked, has no smell, and no way to trace it's use with out a blood test, which as you know, our school does not preform for its athletes. The window for testing is roughly 12-24 hours after the high has worn off."

"Which is why these idiots at this fucking school are buying the shit," Gabriel states.

"And why the producers are able to sell to the fucking idiots," Brandon responds.

"With a higher dosage," Owen continues as if no one has spoken. "It can be used as a date rape drug. It is easily mixed as a liquid or can be used in pill form, and has no taste. It will make a person become less... inhibited, and in most cases, the victims cannot remember what happened after coming down from the high. The window for testing is about 24-36 hours after coming down from the high."

Raven leans forward and points a finger at me, "No fucking parties."

My eyes narrow at him, "If that is where the drug is you know as well as I that I'm going to have to go to that party."

"I said no."

I smirk before saying in a mock whining voice, "But all the other kids get to go." I go for broke and let a pout slip.

The Blackborne team chuckles at this. "Hell no," Gabriel shouts. "You suck that fucking lip back in. There is no fucking pouting here."

I giggle and roll my eyes but stop with the pouting, "fine." I look at Raven, "I'll be careful and I'm sure I'll have back up too."

"You bet your ass you'll have back up," North speaks up with the rest of his team nodding seriously in agreement.

"See," I smile at him innocently. Raven lets out a grunt and sits back in his seat so Owen can continue, but I know this little argument is far from over. No way is the Russian going to give in that quickly.

"Finally, an even higher dosage in liquid or pill form will cause the person ingesting it to get a quick high, then a tingling sensation in arms or legs, followed by a massive chest pain, then death. After the high wears off, the victim gets a tingling sensation that lasts about one day, then massive chest pains that lasts about 6 hours; give or take. By this point it is too late."

Sean stand up and addresses the room, "Now, thanks to the Toma team, we will soon have a sample of this drug so that the Academy will be able to find a way to counter act the drug quicker. As it is, since we have no idea how it's made, we are simply trying to counteract the effects rather than the drug itself which is causing some issues."

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