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Sang's POV

Oh. My. Lanta. Did I just walk into a GQ photo shoot? Now, I knew these guys were hot; I've seen a few of them around before. A few of them work at Uncle's restaurant, Bob's Diner, and Dr. Green works at the Academy hospital I visit almost every week, and of course, they have all worked with my brothers' before. So, it's not like I don't know who they are. We've just never officially met and I've never seen them all in one place before. Be still my heart.

I pull myself together enough to give my brother a pointed look and hear Raven chuckle. "What my brother is trying to say is that I just found out about this mission a few hours ago." I give them all a smile, "I'm Sang, it's nice to meet y'all," I say with a waive.

"Hi, Sang," they all reply in unison, which makes me giggle. They sounded like we were all at a support meeting of some sort.

"Now Pookie, you can't just go around giggling like that. It's contagious," says a man with sandy brown hair, soothing green eyes and a cheerful smile, I recognize as Dr. Green. He stands and walks over to me. "I'm Sean Green. Nice to meet you."

He shakes my head and I swear I was dumbstruck for a moment, so of course all I can think to say is, "Pookie?"

He gives me a light chuckle, "It's cute. Just like you." I can feel the heat in my cheeks and have to look away. I hear a growl from behind me though I can only guess who it's coming from.

"Come on Doc." A deep voice says from behind Dr. Green. A man with broad tapered shoulders, short red-brown hair and blue eyes nudges Dr. Green out of the way and takes my hand in his. "I'm Nathan Griffin."

"Hi, Nathan." I whisper with a smile. He grins back at me then looks over his shoulder, "She looks more like a Peanut to me."

Before I can say anything in reply, an extremely tall and broad guy with deep brown eyes and black hair steps forward. I wouldn't be surprised if he told me he was Superman. That's exactly who he reminded me of. "I'm Silas Korba," He tells me in his deep, reverberating voice. Damn, so not Superman.


Hold the phone. If I remember correctly, he's the Greek who helped Brandon at the Bar a few weeks back. Saved his life from my understanding. Before I can think better of it, I jump into his arms and give him a big hug. *"It's nice to meet you,"* I whisper to him in his native tongue. * "Thank you so much for saving my brother's life."*

Silas gives me a surprised look and squeezes me to him in the best hug I've ever had, * "No problem, Angel. If this is the thanks I get I'll have to save his life more often."*

"Oi, What the fuck man? Why is she hugging you," a man with crystal blue eyes, rich brown hair to his chin with two blond locks framing his face, and three black rings in his right ear. He looks at the guy with sun kissed skin, strong wide shoulders, and dark hair wearing all black, "What the fuck did she say to him?"

"Mr. Colman," the tall, perfect man with a strong body, short soft brown hair, steel grey eyes framed in black rimmed glasses, and sharp, commanding voice. "Please refrain from using profanity in front of the lady. "

My goodness this man is too perfect. Is it bad that just looking at him makes me want to mess him up a little? Not like hurt him or anything. But, you know, just mess up his hair a little? Make him eat a candy bar, maybe? I giggle at the thought. "Is something funny Ms. Sorenson?" his sharp voice is aimed at me now. Shit.

Looking at the ground, I lift my pointer finger to press my bottom lip against my teeth before speaking, "No, I'm sorry," I tell him. "And you are. . ." I leave the question hanging.

For a second, he looks perplexed followed closely by embarrassment, much to the amusement of his team. The man with the two blond locks walks up to me while laughing, "I can already tell we are going to be great friends." He slings an arm around my shoulders and looks back at his team, "Can we keep her?"

Brandon chops him upside the head, "hey asshole," he gripes taking his arm back. He looks at me, "Gabriel Colman," He hold out his hand for me to shake. "And who the fuck did your hair? It's fucking gorgeous. Well, at least it would be if it wasn't in that god-awful clip. What color is it? Blond, some red, and brown. And so many shades," he says in awe. "It's chameleon."

I look down and press my finger to my lip again. "Gabe, shut it," The man all in black yells. "She's fine the way she is," He nudges Gabriel to the side and stands in front of me.

"Of course, she's fucking fine, asshole. I was just saying that the clip is ugly, not her. Didn't you hear me says she's gorgeous," He huffs.

"Forgive him," The man all in black says. "He doesn't have a filter."

I giggle at this, "It's fine. Neither does Raven and I still love him."

He smirks, "I'm North," I shake his shocked. "I thought your name was South, or was it West," I say looking back at Raven.

Everyone laughs while North lets out a low growl, "Fucking Russian."

"Gentlemen," The sharp, commanding voice says. "I believe it's time to get down to the business at hand."

I huff silently. I was enjoying myself and so was everyone else. "Are you going to at least introduce yourself first," I ask sweetly.

His eyes widen in shock once again before he composes himself and walks confidently over to me. "Please forgive my lack of manners twice in one evening," he says while taking my hand gently in his. "My name is Owen Blackborne. It is my absolute pleasure to meet you." He raises my hand to his lips and gently places a small kiss to my knuckles. I swear I almost swooned. With all the elegance a good southern lady should possess, of course. One point for Mr. Darcy. . . I mean Blackborne. 

Mission: RedemptionDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu