12 ~ What Happened?

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Luke's POV

I wish we could stay like this forever. My arm wrapped around Julie, her head resting on my shoulder. I can feel her breath tickle my neck, making me smile. 

I really wish she wasn't trying to act so strong through all of this. She's too worried about us to think about herself. She said she's doing it so that we don't freak out, but we should be the ones staying strong for her. Not to mention the fact that she doesn't like talking when she's struggling. It's not healthy. I of all people should know. If she bottles everything up for too long, she's going to get overwhelmed and break. It's my responsibility to make sure she doesn't get to that point. I owe it to her, and Flynn. After what just happened, I'm scared of her. Remind me to put all throwable objects away when Flynn comes over next. 

"Thank you" Julie says, sitting up. I frown a little, feeling the cold from where her head was on my shoulder. I quickly change my face so she doesn't see me upset.

"What for?" I ask

"Everything," she says "I couldn't do this without you" I smile at her 

"Of course Julie" I reply "like I said, anything for you." She smiles too. 

"So uh, how do you think the others are doing? Think they've made any progress?" She asks. I sigh.

"I really don't know. I mean, we literally know nothing about Caleb's daughter. It's like she doesn't want to be found." I say,

"She probably doesn't. I'm sure when Caleb first died, she was so much in the public eye, she just wanted to disappear. Imagine having to grieve while the whole world is staring at you." She says. I think of what it would have been like. It sounds horrible. But that just adds to our list of problems. She could have changed her name, moved away, cut off all ties to her dad and this city. 

Alex and Reggie poof into the studio. Julie and I stand quickly, hoping they have good news. We look at them expectantly. They both look to the floor and shake their heads slightly. Julie and I sigh. 

"I don't understand, you guys were out all day, and couldn't find anything?" Julie asks.

"It's harder than it seems" Alex says "we literally know nothing about her. Maybe we need to think of a different plan" 

"Yeah," I say "we've just wasted a whole day, we can't afford to lose anymore time." 

"Ok." She says "I guess you guys are right. But what else are we supposed to do?" She starts to get more worried. She sits back down on the couch and I notice she blinks away some tears, trying to hide them from us. 

Julie's POV

What are we going to do now? The guys have pretty much given up on this plan. I don't have any ideas of another plan. We can't do it. I'm not going to be able to survive this. But I can't show how I feel. That won't help. I, Julie Molina, won't go down without a fight. 

"Julie," Luke says. I look up at him. "I know you were against it at first, but if we just take Caleb's of-" 

"FOR THE LAST TIME, NO!!" I yell. They don't seem to get it, "you really don't understand, do you? I already lost my mom, if I lose you guys too, I couldn't live with myself. So just stop bringing that up!" Luke looks into my eyes and sits down next to me.

"Julie, we don't want to lose you either." He says gently. "If we can somehow get inside at the Hollywood ghost club, we might just be able to save you and defeat Caleb." 

"No," I say softly "it's too risky. Caleb owns everyone's souls in that club. If he owns your souls, you won't be able to stop him." I swear, they can't actually be thinking about this. It's not a solid enough plan. 

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