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Hey! I'm so glad you decided to stop by! 

So I kind of have a rough idea of how I want this to go, but I really have no clue where it'll end up so bear with me. I also can't guarantee I'll upload regularly. I'll try to write multiple chapters at a time and I'll also try to make them long .

 Also, I want to apologize because I'll be writing willex in this kind of just as friends. I don't feel comfortable enough with both of their characters to write them as a relationship and I don't trust myself enough to write a gay couple without accidentally offending someone. Even writing this, I'm trying so hard not to say the wrong thing. So if you are offended by this in any way, I'm sorry, that's not my intentions. 

Disclaimer: I am aware I suck at writing  if you like this, then you like it, if you don't, that's ok. :) I'm not here for views or votes  I'm here cause I love JATP and I want to share that with people  so I hope you enjoy :))) 

-Anna <3

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