7 ~ The Day it Was All Ruined

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Julie's POV

Friday was a blur. All I remember is sitting through class all day, anxiously waiting for the weekend. This week has been crazy and I'm ready for a break.

Saturday morning I wake up to a text message... from nick.

~hey, we still on for hanging this weekend? :)~

I groan. I was really hoping he'd forget about it, but I guess not. I should probably be nice to him considering how bad of a friend I've been lately. I text him back.

~yeah totally!! How's today sound?~ 

He answers back immediately which creeps me out a bit.

~sounds perfect! I'll pick you up around 4:30. Can't wait! XO 😉~

He makes me want to puke sometimes.

After doing some homework and spending time with my family, I go down to studio at around 4pm to find the guys each quietly fiddling with their respective instruments. Luke is the first to notice me. He quickly sets his acoustic down and stands up from where he was sitting on his couch. 

"Hey Julie." He says with a small smile. 

"Hi Luke" I return the smile. I don't realize that we're staring at each other until Alex clears his throat. We both look away, I can feel the blush rising to my cheeks but try to stop it. 

"Julie, we have something we wanted to talk to you about." Alex says, breaking the awkward silence.

"Ok. What is it?" I ask, going over to sit on Luke's couch. He sits back down next to me.

"I've been going out to look for Willie lately, my ghost friend who knows a lot about Caleb and ghost stuff." He says. 

"Yeah, I know you haven't had much luck. I'm sorry." I say. I hope willie is okay. I know he risked a lot to help the guys and I play the Orpheum.

"Thanks. But today, we all went out together and we found him" he says with the smallest smile. I can tell something's wrong though, he would be way more excited about this.

"What's wrong? Did he know anything about what Caleb's up to?" I ask.

"That's the thing Julie, willy said no one has seen him since we played at the Orpheum." Luke says. I turned to him, my face showing some anxiety. 

"Yeah, he said they were supposed to play at the Hollywood ghost club in Paris last night, but Caleb didn't show," Reggie adds. 

"So.., that's all we know?" I ask "all we know is that we don't have any clue where he is?" This is bad.

"Not exactly." Alex starts "Willie said Caleb will do anything to get us to play in his band. He suspects he might try to go after you." I don't realize how worried I look until I feel Luke grab my hand and give it a little squeeze.

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you Julie." He says, reassuringly.

"But you still have to be careful Julie." Alex says "Caleb has a lot of powers. People claim that he can possess lifers. Willy said it's probably why no one has seen Caleb." This is really bad. What are we gonna do? Is there a way we can tell if someone is being possessed by Caleb? The room stays silent for a few minutes before Alex says, "uh hey Reggie, I think Ray is making dinner, let's go watch him." 

"Really?! You mean it, you wanna watch ray with me?!" Reggie gets all excited like a little puppy.

"Yeah sure let's go with that" Alex says, clearly already regretting it. Reggie runs out the studio doors. Alex stays back a second and looks at Luke, nods his head once, then walks out. I look down and see that Luke is still holding my hand. When he comes to the same realization, he quickly pulls away and walks to the other side of the room.

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