10 ~ To be Loved by You

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Before you read this, I wanted to give a quick shoutout to Fandom_Simp they are working together to write an absolutely amazing season 2 fanfic that deserves way more recognition. So go check em out and give them all the love 💞

Julie's POV

I wake up Monday morning after only getting two hours of sleep. But I'm lucky I got that much. Now is the time for what I've been dreading since yesterday, I have to try to find a way for my dad to let me skip school today and most likely the rest of the week. I don't know how I'd explain the frequent jolts to my teachers and the other students at school. 

As if on cue, im hit with another jolt, glad I stayed in bed. Perfect timing, my dad walks in to check on me while I'm still feeling the after pains of the jolt. 

"Good morn- Julie are you alright?" He asks, concern written all over his face.

"Yeah just uh cramps" I let out, pain evident in my voice. I know this was a good excuse because when it comes to cramps, my dad doesn't want anything to do with it.

"Oh um right. It seems worse than usual. Are they always that bad? Nevermind, spare me the details. You can stay home if you'd like."He quickly says before walking out of my room. I know I can always get away with using a period/cramp excuse. Dad doesn't even realize that I'll make that excuse at least three times a month, he just gets so awkward and doesn't want to question me. It's really hilarious.

I just lay in bed for another half hour, taking in the excruciating jolts every so often. Then I get a text from my dad.

~I just left for some photo shoots. I have a busy day and won't be home until late. Carlos is going to Tia's after school so you can take some time to be alone. Feel better mija <3~

With that I get out of bed and am about to head down to the studio when there's a knock on my door. 

"Come in" I say. The door opens and I see Reggie standing on the other side. "Hey reg!" I hug him.

"I've come to escort you to the studio. I just saw your dad leave" he says. I smile.

"Well then let's head down" I say. He holds out his arm for me to link onto mine,

Right as we get to the doors of the studio, I'm hit with another jolt. I fall to the ground on my knees. These jolts are the absolute worst. Reggie comes down next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders. Luke rushes to me from inside the studio. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I say trying to shake it off. Luke doesn't listen to me. He grabs my hands and helps me to my feet. I can barely stand and he notices. With one swift move, he sweeps one arm under my knees, the other  around my back and picks me up carrying me to his couch and lying me down. I'm surprised at first but then I roll my eyes. "I could have walk by myself." I pout, hiding the fact that I secretly liked it.

"Sure" Luke says sarcastically. I sit up, refusing to just lay around while the guys do all the hard work in our plan.

"So are you guys ready for the first part of our plan?" I ask, thinking back to the plan we made yesterday. It's still kind of a rough draft, the rest of the plan depends on the progress we make today. 

"Yeah" Alex says "Willie says he'll meet Reggie and I at the beach. From there, we'll split up, meeting back up about every hour or so. Luke, we'll be back around noon to switch out who stays with Julie." 

"I still don't need someone to stay here with me. Don't you think it would be more efficient if all three of you go with willy?" I ask, annoyed that I'm really just holding them back from making serious progress. All three of them turn to look me in the eye.

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