1 ~ Processing and Explaining

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Julie's POV 

What the heck just happened? I think as I walk back to my house from the garage. Everything today has just been an emotional roller coaster. Earlier today, I thought the guys weren't even going to make it for the show, and now not only are they perfectly fine, but I can touch them?! 

I need a minute to process everything.

But I don't get that minute. Right as I walk through the door I'm ambushed by Carlos.

"Julie! What took so long? You said you'd only be a minute." He said after jumping onto my back. I let him fall to his feet before answering.

"Sorry I was just uh cleaning some stuff up from rehearsal before the show. You wanted to talk?" He looks more serious now. 

"Yeah," He says then drops his voice to a whisper "can we go up to your room?" 

"Yeah sure." I say, confused. "Goodnight Papi, ill see you in the morning." I say to my dad before heading towards the stairs.

"Night Jules. Get some rest, you've had a long day." He replies. I head up to my room with Carlos. 

I have no clue what he's wanting to talk about. Probably trying to pull me into his ghost busting business.

After we get into my room he looks into the hall as if the check if the coast is clear then shuts the door behind him. Before I can ask what he's so concerned about, he cuts me off "I know your hologram guys are ghosts." He says in a hushed tone.

I mentally slap Reggie in the face. If he hadn't messed with my tia and Carlos, we wouldn't be here. But I try to play it off cool. "Carlos, you're imagining things. I told you, the guys are from Sweden and they just don't like to be around other people. They aren't ghosts." I think I did pretty good. Until he pulls out the sunset curve cd with their faces on it. I try to think of an explanation but fail. "Yeah I can't spin that one. You can't tell anyone okay?" I already know the band is done though. Carlos is so into getting famous for busting ghosts now, I doubt he hasn't already told everyone.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." He says. I still don't trust him.

I look at him unconvinced and say "seriously? I don't believe you."

He takes on a more solemn look. "I saw you earlier today in the garage. When you asked your boyfriend to look out for mom when he crossed over. I know that they're special to you and they got you back into music. I can't take that away from you." 

"Ok, first of all, he's not my boyfriend. Second of all, thank you Carlos." I say. I would have never expected that from him. I open my arms and he comes and embraces me in a warm hug. "Now go to bed or I'll have the guys haunt you." I joke. He laughs and turns to leave the room.

I guess that just happened.

I open my phone to text Flynn. 

~ come over to my place tomorrow. We have A LOT to talk about ~ 

I send the message. I still can't believe everything that happened today.

Luke's POV 

"And then I was all like playing it cool and everything. Then luke was all like *mouths electric guitar sounds* but then he like faded and we were all like what and then he came in all strong and we were like yeeeaah!!" Reggie quickly retells the events of our performance tonight at the Orpheum. Alex and I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. 

"Made it just in time for your solo." Alex says with a small chuckle.

"Can you believe we just played the Orpheum?" I say, still stunned we even booked the gig. 

JATP season 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon