Chapter 15 : Meeting Bards Children!

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Start of recap...

The dock keeper looks on in shock. Bard approaches him and slips him a coin.

Calen shudders "ewwww still hate fish" she complained as she followed Bard.

[Bard:] "You didn't see them, they were never here. The fish you can have for nothing."

Bard leads the Company away.

[Bard:] "Follow me."

A woman working on a boat happens to look up and she sees the dwarves running through Laketown in the distance. Calen sees her and Waves before running to catch up with the Dwarves.

She looks shocked.

As they stride through Laketown, Bard's son, Bain, runs up to Bard.

[Bain:] "Da! Our house, it's being watched

'Bain' thought Calen, unfair he's taller than me *pout

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Bard looks at Thorin and hatches a plan.

Bard and his son walk along back to their house. As they walk, a fisherman in a boat sees them and drops his eyepatch over one eye, then knocks with his staff on a wall nearby.

Upon this signal, two boys run from the wall, and one knocks over a contraption which causes a hammer to hit a bell.

At this signal, another man lights a match to light his pipe.

He turns and looks at two men in a fishing boat right next to Bard’s house, and they nod and switch their poles to the opposite sides of the boat than before.

They do this just as Bard and Bain get to their house and enter through the door. Just before Bard enters, he tosses an apple to one of the fisherman.

[Bard:] “You can tell the Master that I’m done for the day.”

Inside the house, Bard’s daughters, Sigrid and Tilda, greet their father.

[Tilda:] “Da! Where have you been?”

[Sigrid:] “Father! There you are. I was worried.”

Both daughters run to their father, and they hug. Bard then hands his bag to Sigrid.

[Bard:] “Here’s something to eat. Bain, get them in.”

As Bard looks out a window, Bain goes down some steps to the lower floor of the house, which is open to the water.

After looking around, he knocks on the wall near the toilet three times.

Dwalin’s head appears through the toilet, which is open to the water below.

[Dwalin:] “If you speak of this to anyone, I’ll rip your arms off.”

Dwalin raises the seat and begins to pull himself out of the toilet.

Bain reaches out to help him, but Dwalin slaps his hand away.

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