Chapter 10: Leaving Mirkwood!

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Chapter 10 finally!

Start of recap...

With Bilbo...

Bilbo invisibly walks through the wine cellar. He sees elves moving around wine barrels and speaking.

Once drinks from a large flagon; Bilbo sees the ring of dungeon keys in his hand.

[Elf:] “...we’re running out of drink.”

[Elf:] “These empty barrels should have been sent back to Esgarrouth hours ago. The bargeman will be waiting for them.”

[Elf:] “Say what you like about our ill-tempered king, but he has excellent taste in wine. Come, Elros, try it.”

He is speaking to an elf with a bunch of keys.

[Elros:] “I have the dwarves in my charge.”

The other elf takes the keys and hangs them on a hook in the wall.

[Elf:] “They’re locked up; where can they go?”

The elves laugh; Bilbo takes note of the hanging keys.

[Bofur:] “I’ll wager the sun’s on the rise. It must be nearly dawn.”

[Ori:] “We’re never going to reach the mountain, are we?”

Bilbo suddenly appears, holding up the ring of keys.

[Bilbo:] “Not stuck in here, you’re not!”

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Calen woke with a start, oh no! She leaped carefully from her bed trying to not wake up the two elfs next to her.

She quietly grabbed her things and kissed Tauriel and legolas on their cheeks

"thank you for looking after me" she whispered to the two elfs who hadn't woken up.

Calen sighs and opens the door looking back once more at the two elfs, she left closing the door slowly closed.

She then ran to the cellars to catch up with the Dwarves and bilbo.

Time skip...

Bilbo proceeds lead the dwarves through the Woodland Realm, and they whisper indistinctly.

They sneak through the halls of the Woodland Realm, and eventually find themselves in the wine cellar from before.

The elves there are sound asleep around a table, with several empty bottles of wine in front of them. Bilbo leads the dwarves further in.

[Bilbo:] “This way.”

[Kili:] “I don’t believe it;  we’re in the cellars!”

The dwarves are getting mad at Bilbo.

[Bofur:] “You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!”

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