Chapter 13 : To Lake-town And A Conversation With Bard!

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Start of recap...

Bard looks at the barrels and examines the various dents and nicks they received during the fight with the orcs.

[Bard:] “I know where these barrels came from.”

[Thorin:] “What of it?”

[Bard:] “I don’t know what business you had with the elves, but I don’t think it ended well. No one enters Laketown but by leave of the Master. All his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm. He will see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil."

" also"he continues "you kidnapped an Elfling from his realm he won't be happy" siad Bard motioning to the Elfling next to Balin still.

The Dwarfs looked startled as the Elfling huffs childishly.

"why does everyone suspect that I've been kidnapped by these Dwarfs" complains The Elfling.

Bard boards his barge and tosses a rope to Balin. Thorin mouths to Balin.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

[Thorin:] “Offer him more.”

[Balin:] “I’ll wager there are ways to enter that town unseen.”

[Bard:] “Aye. But for that, you will need a smuggler.”

[Balin:] “For which we will pay double.”

Bard looks at him suspiciously.

The orcs run beside the river in pursuit of the dwarves, who the current has carried far ahead of the orcs.

[Bolg:] “Sha mogi obguryash!” [Rough translation: Don’t let them go away!]

[Legolas approaches the elves guarding the entrance to the Woodland Realm.]

[Legolas:] “Holo in ennyn! Tiro i defnin hain na ganed en-Aran.” [Subtitle: Close the gate! Keep it sealed by order of the King.]

Legolas turns to walk away, but one of the guards calls out.

[Elf Guard:] “Man os Tauriel and the Elfling ?” [Subtitle: What about Tauriel?]

Legolas stops short.

[Legolas:] “Man os sen?” [Subtitle: What about her?]

[Elf Guard:] “Edevín eb enedhor na gû a megil. En ú-nandollen.” [Subtitle: She went into the forest armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned.]

As Legolas walks toward the gate, the guard points out toward the forest in the direction Tauriel went. Legolas looks anxious.

With the Dwarves...

Calen was looking around her it felt like ages since she was last outside, she looks behind her at bard she smiles at him.

Bard can't help but smile back at the little Elfling.

Bard paddles the dwarves and Bilbo across the lake in his barge. It is very foggy, and the barge pushes aside ice floes.

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