Chapter 5 : Giant Spiders, Holy Shit!

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Chapter 5 here!

Start of recap...

The Company enters Mirkwood. They are following the paved path that started at the Elven Gate. Thorin leads. At one point, the path turns a corner.

[Thorin:] “The path goes this way.”

Calen stickers close to Thorin as they walked her hand gripping the hilt of her sword.

As the dwarves and Bilbo keep following the path through the forest, it twists and turns over all sorts of terrain such as bare ground, high ledges, fallen tree trunks, and more. The color palette used is very blue/gray, and gloomy.

Dwalin thumps the handle of his hammer on the ground to find the paving stones of the trail.

[Dwalin:] “This way.”

They continue walking.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

[Bofur:] “Air. I need air.”

[Oin:] “My head, it’s spinning.”

The dwarves suddenly run into each other as Nori, in front, stops abruptly and Calen walks straight into his back.

Groaning she steps back holding her nose.

[Oin:] “What’s happening?”

[Thorin:] “Keep moving. Nori, why have we stopped?”

[Nori:] “The’s disappeared!”

[Dwalin:] “What’s going on?”

[Oin:] “We’ve lost the path!”

They are standing in front of a steep cliff, and there is no path ahead of them.

[Thorin:] “Find it. All of you look. Look for the path!”

Meanwhile, the path is not far away from them, but on the other side of the cliff. They had unknowingly left it some time ago.

The Company wanders through the forest. The forest is beginning to affect them mentally, and they stagger about.

Everyone apart from Calen has far from fine, but for her the forest didn't effect her.

"maybe it's because I'm an Elf that I can't Feel it" she said alerting the Dwarves that she was still with them.

[Balin:] “I don’t remember this place before. None of it’s familiar.”

[Dori:] “It’s got to be here.”

[Thorin:] “What hour is it?”

[Dwalin:] “I do not know. I don’t even know what day it is.”

[Thorin:] “Is there no end to this accursed place?”

The dwarves are all muttering and rambling as they wander about.

Bilbo absentmindedly plucks a spiderweb; it vibrates, and the vibrations continue through the various linked spiderwebs and far off into the forest.

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