I was stunned into silence.

That's why he hated me. I was this constant reminder of the worst day of his life. He had found his dad that day because of me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I shouldn't have told you all that, I can see by the look on your face it was too much."

I snapped myself out of my trance. "No, don't be. It actually cleared a lot of stuff up for me." I muttered.

Our food arrived and we ate in comfortable silence. As we walked back to the car I thought about everything I had learnt about Aera. Today, In just a few short hours I had seen such a different side of her. I'd spent so long building her up to be the villain in my story I'd forgotten she was just a woman like any other. She had hopes and heartbreaks. I could finally start to see why my dad fell for her.

As we pulled into the drive of the Manor I knew I needed to say something.

"Aera." I began.

"Yes dear?"

"Thank you for today.I would really like it if we could spend more time like this together some time. You know, if you have the time or whatever."

Aera beamed her gorgeous smile at me.

"I would really love that." And I could see in her eyes she meant it. I grabbed a few of the bags from the trunk but Aera said she'd get my dad to bring up the others in a bit.

I had almost forgotten about everything from the previous night. walking with the high of my great day. That was until I got to the top of the stairs and saw his damn bedroom door.

I stood at our adjoining bathroom. door and readied myself for the war that was about to start.

I could feel sweat trickle down my back so I tore off my hoodie and threw it to the bedroom floor leaving me in just my tank top and boxers. The cool air reached my skin and the relief was instant.

I wanted some answers. I closed myself in the bathroom and listened to make sure there was someone in his room. I could hear shuffling and it was all the que I needed. I grabbed the bathroom door handle and threw it open.

"Look at the ball bag! I don't know what your fucking problem is but you and your band of merry cum stains need to get a fucking grip." I trailed off when I actually saw him.

Namjoon was sitting at the bottom of his bed, head in his hands. He must have seen me before I even got in because he hadn't moved.

I looked waiting for him to ever register my presence when he spoke. "I know." His voice was low and breaking.

He had the aura of a dog that had spent its life being beaten. Total withdrawal. Nothing like the strength he usually exhibited. He was still in his basketball shorts from Saturday practice but nothing else and I could see the thin layer of glistening sweat that covered his body.

"You know, what?" I asked, my voice much more sheepish than I would have liked.

"I know I fucked up. I swear I didn't know until I got there and by then most of the people were already there and Kallie just turned up. I wasn't going to do anything with her. I figured I'd just be tidy, talk to her for an hour then fake a headache and take her home or something. I know I should have stopped it when I found out but how the fuck was I supposed to do that? I didn't want to embarrass her."


"You mean you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your dick for brain friends. The reason you didn't do anything has nothing to do with protecting Kallie but with you protecting your reputation. You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself and don't pretend you do!"

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