Chapter 13

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Seokjin's POV

"Just pop them on the bed Dad"

'I don't care what you do with the bloody bags just get out' is what I really wanted to say but instead I had to play nice whilst the guy that just kissed me like I've never been kissed before sits in the room next door waiting for me.

"I just wanted to say thank you Seokjin." He caught me off guard. my mind still completely engulfed with images of Namjoon. His hands, his lips, his magical tongue. I needed to concentrate.

"What for?" I questioned.

"For the effort you've been making with Aera. She told me all about today, she's thrilled with how it went, seems like you two really connected?"

I heard a door shut from the hallway. Namjoon's unmistakable heavy footsteps pausing momentarily by my door before continuing out of ear shot. Where was he going?

I noticed Dad still staring at me. "Yeah it was good. She got me some clothes so I'm going to need to find a way to pay her back. Maybe you could finally let me get that weekend job?" I smiled.

He frowned. Dad was against me doing anything but schoolwork until I graduated. No job, no dates, he only let me see Hobi because if he didn't he'd try to kidnap me.

"Aera doesn't expect you to pay her back. If its anyone's job it's mine okay? I'll sort something out with Aera. I want you to focus on your school work. When summer break comes we'll talk about the job thing again." I understood him wanting me to focus on school. I saw how working so much affected Hobi's studies but I still wished he'd give me a bit more freedom to make my own choices. I wasn't comfortable with Aera paying for my stuff forever. He left and I threw myself on the bed amongst the bags.

What just happened? Namjoon kissed me. NAMJOON KISSED ME! It was a good, no a great kiss. The best kiss I've ever had. I thought for a while about how his hands had so freely roamed by body. How he lifted me with ease and I wrapped myself around him. I had felt him, all of him, against me. It was a rush like nothing I've felt before.

If dad hadn't interrupted us what would have happened next? Would I have stopped him if he wanted more? I'd like to believe I would have. I would have realised the dangerous position we were putting ourselves in and told him to stop but I know deep in my core I wouldn't have. I have never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him in that moment. I would have let him do what he wanted with me, and I would have enjoyed every second.

I grabbed my phone to ring Hobi but my finger just hovered over the call button. What was I going to say? How was I going to explain this? "Hi Hobi, Namjoon just shoved his tongue down my throat and it made me wetter than the damn ocean, any tips. on what I should do now?" It just didn't seem like the right thing to say for some reason.

I put my phone back down. I'll call him later. I heard a car door slam shut and made it to the window in time see Namjoon's car tearing its way out of the drive. I guess that means we won't be talking about this then?

I was still staring out the window, trying to use the force of my mind to pull Namjoon back to me when I saw Jungkook approach the front steps.

His little face was so sad as he sat down and attempted to bounce the basketball that was clearly too big for his little hands. It hit the edge of the step and rolled away down the drive.

He immediately ran after it, catching up and bringing it back to the step. He started walking around practising his dribbling. You could see how much he wanted to get it right, he would get so angry when he would lose the rhythm and drop the ball.

He just wanted to be like Namjoon, you could see it in the way he looked at his big brother-total admiration. I saw the ball slip from him once again and decided to go save him. I walked to the door considering if he'd prefer to play Mario or go for a swim.

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