Tempest Dragon ruler of storms Yugioh

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Tempest dragon is the fourth dragon rulers of the yugioh multiverse and like the others can be reborn into its younger form. Unfortunately the yugioh card versions of them are banned due to their powerful affects and not allowed in card games or online.  

Classification: Level 7 Wind attribute dragon type monster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristic, immortality(type 4), resurrection, flight, storm manipulation, wind manipulation, air manipulation, electricity manipulation, weather manipulation, self destruction.

Attack potency: City level

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: City Class

Durability: City level

Stamina: Very high

Range: Planetary

Standard equipment: none notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weakness: When reincarnating it uses up all of his energy and then leaves him very weakened. 

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