Druj(Granblue Fantasy)

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Druj is an ancient dragon plagued by a curse sees his former self in a brave young man. Sensing the potential within him and the one he loves, the dragon continues to watch over them.

Classification: Primal beast Dragon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, immortality(types 1,2,3,4 and 5,8 in its true form), incorporeality and abstract existence in his true form(Type 1; Primals in their true forms, are abstract without any kind of form, representing their elements or abstractions),  resurrection(Primals can resurrect themselves, though this takes extremely long amount of time thus it's not combat applicable), regeneration(Mid-Godly), summoning(Primals can summon monsters), aura, breath attack, fire manipulation, energy projection, darkness manipulation, flight, damage boost, sound manipulation, shockwave generation, statistics amplification, resistance to petrification, statistics reduction, sleep manipulation, perception manipulation, status effect inducement, empathic manipulation, gravity manipulation, paralysis inducement, power nullification and poison manipulation(Has debuff resistance, which includes all of these effects) and disease manipulation

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level(Fought against Stan and Aliza at the same time)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+(Fought against Stan and Aliza)

Lifting Strength: Class K(Via sheer size)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class

Durability: Multi-Continent level

Stamina: Very high. Was able to live and fight while plagued by Llana.

Range: Tens of kilometers

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average. Primals are extremely old and skilled in combat but doesn't know much about the world. Though, this may not apply to Druj since he seems to know human ethics and culture very well.

Weakness: Weak to Dark based attacks. He can't use his special attacks when Overdrive is broken. Him being abstracted is only applicable when his power is drained completely, and this is downside than anything else, as Primals in their abstract forms are completely powerful.

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