Slifer the Sky Dragon Yugioh God card

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Slifer is one of the three god cards that utilized by the pharaoh Atem and Yugioh Muto in the Yugioh series.

Classification: divine beast, Divine

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristic, energy projection, fusionism, electricity manipulation, weather manipulation, dream manipulation(Sent Pegasus a nightmare to torment him), madness manipulation, immortality(type 1), invulnerability, power nullification(the Egyptian gods cards are unaffected by anything less divine than them)

Attack potency: Large Town level(Should be comparable to Obelisk the Tormentor, who generated a storm of this level)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Large Town level

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Several dozen of meters

Standard equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weakness: Pyramid of light. The power nullification has several weaknesses in this version, including not working on BFR and power nullification is not based on a divine hierarchy and unless the ability one shots the god, the effect is still around albeit temporarily. Temporarily power nullification works permanently on the gods. Can only be temporarily resurrected.

Notable attacks/techniques:

Thunder force attack: A powerful blast from one of its mouths.

Lighting blast: a powerful effect that its from the second mouth.     

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