Number 100 Numeron Dragon Yugioh Zexal

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Number 100 Numeron dragon is the creator of the yugioh zexal universe anime. This dragon was the first being to exist. As it was lonely, it used its power to create the rest of the universe. This action however, took nearly all of the dragon power and it almost died. Using the last of its power, it shed a single tear which contained all of its emotions and knowledge. The tear traveled through the cosmos and eventually impacted earth, burying the numeron code there. This impact also created the moon where the key to the numeron code ended up.

Classification: Dragon, Creator deity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristic, reality warping, cosmic awareness, statics reduction(Can reduce a foe power to the point that it is too weak even to hold weaponry), statics amplification

Attack potency: Universe level+(Created the universe) Galaxy level(as one of the strongest numbers should be comparable to number 96: Dark Mist. Comparable to Number C1000: Numerronius)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Unknown

Stamina: Low

Range: Universal+

Standard equipment; None notable

Intelligence: Unknown| High(Most Numbers cards have some level of sentience and those that can possess their users often can duel on even ground against skilled duelist)

Weakness: Will die if he creates a universe

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