Elysium(Puzzle and Dragons)

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Night Skydragon, Elysium is one of the puzzle and dragons. Created after Zerclea and Arkvelza, Elysium was made with a group of elemental Skydragons who would keep balance over the world and impact their power into it. Elysium gift to the world was darkness and serenity for all living creatures.

Classification: Dragon Type/Attacker Type(Omega Night Sky Dragon, Elysium only), Dark element

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, natural weaponry, enhanced senses, non-physical interaction, damage boost, darkness manipulation, energy projection, breath attack, healing, forcefield creation, statistics amplification, immortality(Type 1), flight, temporarily invulnerability, resistance to darkness manipulation

Attack Potency: Large Star level(Is superior to Idia)|Large Star level(Even stronger than before)

Speed: Massively FTL+(Should be comparable if not superior to Idia)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Star Class

Durability: Large Star Level

Stamina: Likely High

Range: Standard melee range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: High(Has existed for several hundreds of millions of years, has helped to keep the balance of the planet, and has battled generations of dragon Tamers as a rite of passage)

Weakness: Takes extra damage from Light elements attacks and from Dark Element attacks as Omega Night Skydragon Elysium.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Dark Orbs: Elysium can tap into dark orbs in the atmosphere to unleash energy attacks that are made up of darkness energies.

Curse Breath: An attack that does 5x damage to all foes.

Power of Darkness: Passively increase all dark element allies Attack by 2x and increase the action time of all allies by 2 seconds.

Enhanced Dark Orbs: 20% chance for dark orbs nearby to be enhanced, doing 5% more damage when used.

Skill Boost: Decreases the amount of time active abilities needs to be charge.


Deep Shadow Breath: Elysium unleashes a powerful dark attack targeting all foes for 20x damage, giving all allies temporarily invulnerability.

Dark Resistance-High: Elysium passively reduces all dark damage targeting allies by 50%.

Alt. Curse Breath: A rapid attack that strikes 4 times, doing 0.45x damage per hit.


Light Orbs: Elysium can tap into Light Orbs in the atmosphere to unleash energy attacks that are made up of Light, Holy and electricity energies.

Skydragon Flight: Preemptive attack that does 0.4x damage.

Breath of the Night sky: A rapid attack that hits 4 to 5 times, doing 0.25x damage per hit.

Breath of the Holy Sky: A rapid attack that hits 5 to 6 times, doing 0.2x damage per hit

White Light: An attack that deals 0.7x damage and changes one random orb color into Jammer Orbs.

Lightning Armor: Absorbs all damage for a limited time from attacks made of 4 or less combos

Full Power Release: Increase Attack by 10x for a limited time.

Night Cracking Lighting Spear: An attack that also transforms the third to the right and third to the left columns of orbs into Light orbs.

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