Ice Dragon(Kirby)

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The ice dragon is a portly, bipedal dinosaur like monster who appears as a recurring boss and foe to kirby.

Classification: Ancient dragon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, ice/snow manipulation, shockwave creation

Attack Potency: Large Planet level(As a mid-boss, he is stronger than minor enemies like knuckle Joe, who is able to crack the planet Popstar, and Schwartz who can create black holes)

Speed: FTL(Comparable to other major mid-bosses, who are faster than Knuckle Joe)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Planet Class

Durability: Large Planet level(More durable than knuckle joe)

Stamina: Likely high

Range: Standard melee range normally, higher when throwing ice spikes

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weakness: None notable

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